Spring will come very soon – the time when it will finally be possible to take off our hats. In order to have luxurious curls under it, shining with health and beauty, you should think about intensive hair care right now. Why, on the eve of spring, hair needs special care and what it should be, expert Natalie Sors, head of the NIVEA HAIR hair care product development department, Beiersdorf, Germany, told Woman’s Day.
Every day, hair is exposed to a large number of negative influences from the external environment. Dyeing, thermal curling devices and even simple combing – all this can injure curls, making them dry, brittle, dull. In winter, a whole host of new ones are added to the listed stress factors.
Low temperatures can cause hypothermia of the scalp, especially if you walk in winter without a hat. Because of this, a narrowing of the vessels of the scalp occurs, which leads to a decrease in blood flow in small capillaries. As a result, the hair does not receive enough nutrients, becomes thinner and becomes brittle.
Sharp changes in air temperature, which invariably accompany the exit to frost, irritate the nerve endings of the scalp. As a result, vasospasm occurs, and then everything happens according to the same scheme: blood circulation is disturbed, nutrients do not even reach the middle of the hair, which leads to split ends.
Snowfall damages hair no less than frost. If it’s snowing outside, be sure to wear a scarf or a hood over your head. Otherwise, if it gets on the hair, the snow will melt, and under the influence of moisture, the hair scales will open, absorbing the harmful substances that the city air is saturated with.
The dry air of heated rooms has a bad effect not only on the condition of our skin, but also on the health of our hair. Dryness of the environment negatively affects the protective hydrolipid layer of the hair, which makes it waterproof, preventing moisture loss. Under the influence of external factors, the effect of the protective layer weakens, and the hair becomes dry, often electrified.
The main structural component of the hair is keratin, because the hair consists of 80% of it. Daily damage and external stress factors reduce its content, due to which the hair becomes brittle, dry, and loses its shine.
To return beauty to the curls by spring, you should take a closer look at the care products that contain liquid keratin. This component is identical to natural. It restores the structure of the hair, making it stronger, more elastic and shiny.
In addition, Liquid Keratin nourishes hair follicles for healthy growth and helps hair withstand harsh environments.
The moisture level of the hair can range significantly from 3 to 25 percent. The lipid layer on the surface of the hair makes it waterproof and inhibits moisture loss. However, the effect of this protective layer weakens over time and the hair begins to lose moisture. External factors (UV rays, salt water, dry indoor air, the use of combs and brushes, coloring) – all this accelerates the loss of moisture, hair becomes dull, brittle and splits.
With this problem, you should take a closer look at care products containing aloe vera extract. This unique natural component is able to absorb moisture and, as it were, seal it in the hair structure, strengthening the protective lipid layer. Thanks to this, the hair is not only moisturized, but also thickened, it becomes less brittle.
You can also pay attention to such caring ingredients in shampoos as water lily extract or bamboo extract.
Natural oils will become indispensable here. If your hair needs not only hydration, but also intensive restoration, look for argan oil in shampoos, a rich source of vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It strengthens and nourishes the hair, restoring its structure and preventing split ends.
And here you will find out what hairstyles you can make from long hair yourself.