Hair polish and dye

“Pearl polish” completes the dyeing process and solves several problems at once: it gives the hair a bright, “rich” color, and also creates sun glare and other effects; neutralizes unwanted shades, in particular, common yellowness; rehabilitates hair after aggressive bleaching, has an anti-stress effect.

“Pearl polish” is based on food dyes that are safe for the hair structure. In addition, it is formulated with hydrolyzed soy proteins and nutmeg oil, known for their regenerating and moisturizing properties. The polish does not contain ammonia and other harmful substances and can be used even with high sensitivity of the scalp.

The procedure can be carried out both immediately after clarification, and after some time. Polishing blonde hair takes no more than 10 minutes, during which you completely relax and enjoy the exquisite aromas of strawberries, honey and other ingredients. The procedure can be repeated as often as you like, changing or mixing different shades, depending on your wishes.

“Pearl polish for blondes” is presented in 5 colors: “strawberry blonde”, “honey blonde”, “ultraviolet”, “ice blonde”, “neutral beige”.

According to Ruslan Tazhiev, Art Director of Paul Mitchell Russia, “The effect of the polish is best seen on bleached hair. Fair-haired girls can also go through the procedure – in terms of shade, the result will not be so stunning, but the hair will become healthier, shiny and well-groomed. Brunettes can also use polish to heal their hair. However, we do not exclude that the Paul Mitchell brand will release a polish for dark-haired and red-haired beauties in the coming years. “

You can undergo the procedure from autumn 2009 in beauty salons – partners of the Paul Mitchell brand.

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