Hair photoepilation in the clinic

Hair photoepilation in the clinic

Photoepilation is an ingenious invention of cosmetology. And a great way to make your life more comfortable! Maria Taranenko was convinced of this personally.

I dreamed about it for so many years. As I clenched my teeth while waxing, I thought about my lucky friend who completely got rid of her hair a couple of years ago. “Creams, injections and even plastic surgery are all secondary,” she repeated, showing perfectly smooth skin. Such fervent arguments had an effect, and I made up my mind. The question “where to do?” did not stand. We have a long-standing friendship with the clinic of aesthetic medicine “Klazko”. Yes, and they mastered photoepilation among the first. Therefore, at the end of December 2006, I came for a consultation with Dr. Nino Piliya.

1st session


“Shins, armpits, bikini?” – Nino exactly guessed my wishes. I undress and notice the sadness on the doctor’s face. The reason is my tan from Mauritius. “The principle of photoepilation is the reaction of light with the pigment in the hair. At this moment, a jump in temperature occurs, and the hair with the follicle is destroyed. There is a lot of melanin in your skin right now. It absorbs light rays. This can cause burns. Therefore, today we will only deal with the armpits. ”

Execution order

The doctor shaves off the hairs with a trimmer (their length should be at least a centimeter). Then Nino picks up a scarlet lip liner and traces the armpits into segments (so as not to miss anything). Then he puts on dark glasses for himself and my eyes, applies cool gel to my skin, applies a sensor. “Go!”


“Chick” – my skin seemed to have been bitten by several ants. I do not experience severe pain, but I shudder from surprise. “Chick, chick, chick” – the procedure takes about seven minutes.


After the first session, the hairs grew back for several days, and then some of them fell out. A month later, the armpits “bald” by 40 percent.

Procedure name



Complete elimination of unwanted body hair.

Where is held

Clinic of aesthetic medicine “Klazko”, st. Serafimovich, 2, t .: (495) 953 4343, 959 3225.

Who is recommended

Those who want to find perfectly smooth skin and forget about razors, wax and resin forever.

How long does it take

A one-time treatment of the underarms, lower legs and bikini areas will take about 1,5 hours. Final hair removal requires 5–7 treatments.

Who to sign up to

To Dr. Nino Pilia.


On average, 160 rubles per flash, the amount of which depends on the size of the treated area, hair density, skin sensitivity, etc.

2st session

Two months later (the optimal time between photoepilation sessions) I came to Klazko. It was still impossible to call my skin snow-white, but it lightened. “Today we will take care of all the zones,” Nino said emphatically.

Execution order

Just like the first time: trimmer, zone delineation, glasses, gel. First, the armpits were treated, then the bikini. “This area is more sensitive. Therefore, I will decrease the intensity. And I advise you to exhale with every flash, ”the doctor instructs me.


Hurt. But the cool gel and my obedient exhalation make the process bearable. It is more difficult to remove hair in the deep area. But everything ends quickly. After a bikini, hair removal on the legs feels a little tickling. I even have time to take a nap.


After two weeks, some of the regrown hairs fell out. The rest have become much thinner.

Subsequent sessions

Every 2 months I regularly visited Klazko. Pain sensations decreased each time. But one day I came for an epilation during PMS … The pain was unbearable! Having made conclusions, I began to plan visits to the beginning of the cycle. After 5 sessions, the hair in the treated areas completely disappeared. I said goodbye to the razor and forgot about the wax. Without hesitation, I got into shorts and swimsuits, stopped mechanically running her hand over her shins before putting on tights. Photoepilation is truly a great way to simplify your existence! And why didn’t I do it earlier?

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