Hair masks made from natural products

Thick and healthy hair is a desirable decoration for any woman. And if nature did not give them at birth, it can always be corrected. After all, hair masks made from natural products can work wonders. The main thing is to find a suitable recipe.

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In banana-lemon glaze

A healthy and delicious banana is ready to shower our body with vitamins and trace elements from head to toe. Therefore, hair masks based on it are very effective. To begin with, a ripe banana must be turned into a homogeneous mush and mixed with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon. We will also need a glass of beer with the lowest alcohol content. You need to wait until the beer is completely exhausted, warm it up a little on low heat, then beat it well with the fruit mass. The resulting mask will be applied sequentially to each strand, having previously filtered the mass through a sieve. Then we wrap the head with a cellophane bag and a terry towel. Leave the mask on the hair for 30 minutes and at the end thoroughly wash off with shampoo. This mask can be done a couple of times a week before bathing. It strengthens and nourishes the hair well, and at the same time reduces its loss.

Chocolate curls – strong roots

Маски для волос из натуральных продуктов

Chocolate is a wonderful product, no matter how you look at it. And even a hair mask from it gives an unspeakable pleasure. To prepare it, mix 1 tbsp. l. milk powder and 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, dilute with warm water and whisk until the consistency of sour cream. Add 1 tsp of jojoba oil and burdock oil to the resulting mass, then mix well again. The mask is applied to the roots of the hair and evenly distributed over the entire length. We put a bag on our head and warm ourselves with a towel, a warm cap or a scarf. After 40 minutes, thoroughly wash your hair under water with shampoo. Chocolate mask has a lot of advantages: it activates hair growth and nourishes its roots, has a calming effect on the scalp and normalizes blood circulation, eliminates dandruff and reduces hair fragility. Do it 2-3 times a week, and soon you will see the result.

Beauty in all its glory

Маски для волос из натуральных продуктов

The gelatin mask can also give your hair an attractive and healthy look. Gelatin contains natural collagen, which nourishes the structure of each hair and gives them a laminating effect. Dilute 1 tsp of gelatin in 3 tsp of warm water and wait 20-25 minutes until it completely dissolves. At the same time, it is not necessary to additionally heat the mixture – heat treatment will make the mask completely unusable. When the mass has become viscous and has acquired an even amber hue, it’s time to add a teaspoon of olive oil and a spoonful and a half of fresh lemon juice. The components are mixed into a homogeneous mass and applied to moistened hair with a comb. After that, we insulate the head with cellophane and a towel. Soak the mask for at least an hour, then wash it off with shampoo. To improve the effect, the hair should be rinsed with nettle infusion. First, you need to brew 5 tbsp. l. dry nettle leaves in a liter of boiling water and infuse for 6 hours. With regular use of the gelatin mask, the hair gets a healthy shine and silkiness, it is better to keep the styling and volume. However, it is recommended to do it only once every two weeks.

Sun glare in your hair

For owners of dry, brittle and weak hair, a real salvation will be a honey-based mask. It is best to choose natural flower honey. Carefully mix honey with olive oil in equal proportions. The resulting mass must be heated in a microwave oven for one to two minutes. It is important not to overdo the honey, otherwise the high temperature will destroy most of the nutrients. After mixing the honey with the butter with a wooden spatula, carefully introduce the milk into it at the rate of: 1 part of the honey mass to 4 parts of the milk. Constantly stir the mixture so that the milk does not have time to curdle. The resulting mask, if desired, can be mixed with a hair balm that contains propolis. Apply it directly to dirty hair and, after standing for 30-40 minutes, rinse with shampoo. Additionally, you can rinse clean hair with a decoction of burdock root. To do this, brew 3 tablespoons of root in a liter of boiling water and stand for 6 hours. It is recommended to carry out all this procedure no more than once a week. After several applications, the hair will become much stronger, acquire shine and a healthy appearance.

Health degrees

Маски для волос из натуральных продуктов

Cognac is not only a noble drink, but also an excellent tool for restoring and nourishing the structure of the hair. The combination of cognac, raw egg and coffee can transform your hair beyond recognition. First, pour 1 tsp ground coffee with a tablespoon of boiling water. After a few minutes, add 1 tbsp. l. cognac, 2 egg yolks and 1 tsp. olive oil. All components are thoroughly mixed and evenly distributed over the entire length of wet hair. We wrap the head well and hold the mask for 30-40 minutes, after which we thoroughly rinse with water. Cognac warms the hair follicles well and activates the growth of new hair. Eggs will moisturize split ends, and coffee will give your hair a natural golden hue. However, it is recommended that blondes replace coffee with honey, otherwise the hair may turn dark. With frequent use, the hair will become much thicker and will retain a fresh and well-groomed appearance for a very long time. Twice a week is quite enough to enjoy a dramatic change in the near future. 

Homemade masks are a very simple and affordable way to give your hair beauty and health. To achieve the maximum effect, it is important to do them regularly and periodically alternate different components. Use our recipes and share your own beauty secrets. 

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