Hair loss – recognition, how to deal with it, prevention

Are your hair falling out terribly? What can be done to prevent this? Hair loss is a very common ailment that occurs due to various factors. People who struggle with excessive hair loss should consult a specialist trichologist who deals with hair and scalp.

Hair loss – a popular ailment

Hair loss is a condition that very often causes us anxiety, despite the fact that many people struggle with this problem and it is a popular ailment. The causes of hair loss are very different, ranging from trivial factors to serious conditions.

In order to be able to properly diagnose and find the cause of this ailment, you should consult an appropriate hair and scalp specialist – a trichologist.

Causes of hair loss

Although there are many reasons for hair loss, sudden onset of this condition may be related to:

  1. from stress;
  2. with an inadequate diet in which there is, for example, too little iron;
  3. with recent childbirth (decrease in estrogens);
  4. with inflammation in the body;
  5. with the disease.

Hair loss can also be an inherited problem that gets worse every year. In addition, intensive and frequent treatments at the hairdresser or poorly chosen cosmetics for hair care can cause hair thinning / hair loss.

For what other reasons can our hair fall out?

  1. hair loss may indicate a symptom of a medical condition, such as thyroid disease or anemia. Choosing the right treatment can stop hair loss and, consequently, alopecia;
  2. androgenic alopecia (or hereditary alopecia) is a very common cause of hair loss, it affects both women and men to the same extent;
  3. the ailment can also cause colds, infections, preoperative narcosis, high temperature or flu;
  4. alopecia areata – is an autoimmune disease in which our body attacks itself;
  5. in cancer patients, chemotherapy and radiation therapy cause complete alopecia (usually a temporary condition);
  6. endocrine disorders;
  7. trichotilomania is a condition / disorder that causes the patient to unknowingly pull their hair out;
  8. in women, hair often falls out after childbirth because estrogen decreases;
  9. taking too much vitamin A;
  10. radical diet that causes weight loss – hair loss occurs even six months after weight loss;
  11. menopause – the problem of hair loss often increases during menopause;
  12. traumatic events (e.g. death of a loved one) – also cause hair loss;
  13. protein deficiency in the diet, eating too little eggs or meat. Vegetarians make up for deficiencies with nuts and whole grains;
  14. the use of contraceptives leads to weakening of the hair;
  15. anorexia, bulimia;
  16. a small amount of iron in the body (it is responsible for the proper condition of the hair);
  17. taking blood thinners (with a lot of vitamin A), drugs for depression or high blood pressure – leads to hair loss;
  18. using strong hair styling preparations, drying hair with a hot air stream, using curlers – performing the above-mentioned activities incorrectly – causes damage to the hair and scalp;
  19. frequent hair dyeing;
  20. strong pin-ups: pulling hair tightly with an elastic band, braiding tight braids.

Diagnosis of hair loss

In order to make a diagnosis of hair loss, you should visit a trichologist, i.e. a specialist dealing with hair and scalp. Hair loss can be caused by many factors, so the doctor conducts a thorough medical history during the visit. It is important to establish whether the ailment appeared suddenly, how long it lasts, whether the patient is taking any medications, is allergic, etc. In women, information on menstruation or menopause is important.

After a medical interview, a specialist thoroughly examines our scalp, using a trichoscope, i.e. a device that magnifies the area over two hundred times. The doctor often pulls out a few hairs together with the bulbs for careful analysis. Sometimes it is also necessary to perform other additional tests as there are often many factors contributing to the problem of hair loss.

How to deal with hair loss?

First of all, the cause of this state should be found. There are many diseases that accompany hair loss. It should be considered whether the patient follows a balanced diet and whether he is not taking medications that may cause side effects in the form of hair loss.

There are hair and nail strengthening preparations available on the market. There are as many causes of hair loss as the methods of treating this ailment, it is important to react quickly so that the treatment gives the best possible results.

If the general condition of our body is stable, we can stop hair loss very quickly. Patients should stimulate new hair fibers and stop weakened hair from falling out. For this purpose, it is helpful to rub preparations based on keratin, amino acids, peptide, vitamins, minerals and minoxidil into the scalp.

In order for the lotions to give good results, the scalp should be properly prepared, e.g. cleaned with a peeling or washed with an appropriate shampoo. Specialists also recommend scalp massage and microneedle mesotherapy, which we can do ourselves at home. The most important, however, is systematic administration of the preparations and their correct application!

We can also stimulate the growth of new hair with a laser, which includes a brush and a comb that emits laser light. Thanks to this device, our hair is healthier and thicker.

In men, Finasteride is recommended for hair loss – it is a preparation taken in the form of oral tablets and inhibits the process of baldness. This measure suppresses the production of the male hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). This drug is available on prescription.

Sometimes hormonal and even psychological treatment is necessary.

Remedies recommended for hair loss:

  1. Vitamin E and A: they provide excellent protection against negative UV radiation and free radicals. Cosmetics containing these vitamins help to regenerate the hair faster.
  2. Silicone: it makes the hair shinier and more elastic to the touch, and thanks to it, the problem with detangling the hair disappears.
  3. Aloe Vera and Sea Minerals: They are especially helpful for people whose hair is dry and the scalp is severely irritated.
  4. Collagen and avocado oil: these two ingredients help to regenerate the hair and make it shine beautifully.
  5. Jojoba oil, glycerin and karite butter: they make our hair more elastic and greasy. These ingredients protect against water loss.
  6. Ceramides: protect the hair against the harmful effects of external stimuli.

Try out hair loss treatments, such as Delpos Night Hair Loss Treatment or Orientana Ayurvedic Hair Loss Therapy.

Hair thickening

If the hair follicles remain inactive for many years, it is difficult to re-straighten them. In such cases, the only method of treatment is transplantation, i.e. supplying the bald area with active hair follicles.

Very popular is non-surgical hair thickening, which consists in attaching a special micro-skin to the bald spot, where individually selected hair is located. Thanks to this method, it is possible to restore the patient’s former hairstyle.

What treatment will be recommended by a trichologist specialist depends on how much hair falls out. The best effect is to use more treatments.

Hair loss – prevention

Here are tips that are often mentioned by professionals to help stop damage to the fibers and scalp.

1. Traumatic experiences, severe stress, life problems – they cause excessive hair loss, in which a large amount of hair goes into the telogen resting phase. Telogen effluvium causes a huge amount of hair to be discarded, fortunately it is a temporary ailment and hair regains its original state over time. To speed up the process of hair regeneration, strengthening trichological treatments are used.

2. Hair loss may be caused by the discontinuation of some preparations, so you should not do it yourself if you experience excessive hair loss. Stopping the drug on your own can cause serious side effects!

3. Consultation with a trichologist is very important, no matter what factor caused your hair loss. A specialist will help you find the cause and inform you about possible treatment options. A properly selected treatment helps to regain self-esteem, especially in women who often fall into depression due to alopecia. Men can also feel unattractive or confused.

If hair loss lasts longer than six weeks – do not hesitate to see a specialist, as this condition may indicate more serious diseases. Effective action should take place in two directions: internal (determining the cause and changing the diet) and external (proper care).

It should be remembered that no supplement can replace a proper diet. In prevention, proper nutrition is important, the patient’s diet should include a large amount of raw vegetables: fish, sunflower seeds, yeast or nettle tea. The yeast treatment stops hair loss well, it is enough to drink a special mixture of 1/4 yeast dissolved in a glass of boiling water once a day.

Home remedies for hair loss

Patients very often look for remedies for hair loss in a pharmacy. Choosing the wrong preparation can further aggravate the problem, just like home methods – there is a chance that something will harm us sooner than help. If your hair falls out – do not hesitate and go to a specialist!

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