Hair loss – one of the more common effects of COVID-19. How do I keep them?
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Dyspnea, fever, loss of smell and taste – these symptoms of coronavirus infection are known to everyone. As it turns out, in addition to the most common symptoms, the problem of excessive hair loss after the transition to or even during the disease is increasingly observed. What is the cause of excessive hair loss after infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus? How do I keep them?

Hair loss and COVID-19 – why do many people complain of hair loss after an illness?

Research shows that increased hair loss after coronavirus infection may affect up to a third of convalescents. [1] There is no evidence yet that coronavirus alone causes hair loss directly. Doctors believe that the physical and emotional stress of contracting the coronavirus can lead to a reversible, temporary hair loss called telogen loss.

The mere experience of a pandemic, disease-related stress, social isolation, or other stressful event causes most of the hair to shift from the anagen phase to the telogen phase, i.e. the resting phase of the hair, which ultimately leads to hair loss. As dermatologist Lauren Ploch said in one of the interviews, “During a disease, the body focuses on repair, devotes its resources to more important physiological functions, not to hair growth.” [2]

Sometimes the amount of hair loss is very high – it can be as much as 200 hairs a day, twice as much as normal. Some may experience hair loss about 30 days after recovery, others two to five months, and some still while they are sick. Telogen hair loss is diffuse, usually not more than 50%. the surface of the scalp and there is no alopecia located in small, single areas. Moreover, sometimes your hair loss can be accompanied by a burning and itchy scalp.

Moreover, as shown by previous studies, hair loss does not correlate with the severity of the symptoms of infection – it occurs in both asymptomatic patients and those who had to be hospitalized. It is also unknown why some patients lose their hair after coronavirus infection and others do not – genetic factors are suspected to play a large role in this process.

Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, after about three months, hair stops falling out and returns to normal. In the course of telogenous hair loss, the hair follicles are not inflamed or permanently damaged, as is the case with scarring alopecia. However, if you see that hair loss lasts longer than six months or is particularly severe, it is worth going to a specialist to rule out other possible causes of this ailment. [3]

Hair loss – what other causes could there be?

There are many factors that can cause excessive hair loss, alopecia or a general bad condition of the hair. They are often prosaic – stress, insufficient sleep, harmful environmental factors, improper care, improper hair styling (e.g. hair in a tight ponytail), slimming or a poorly balanced diet. The condition of our hair is greatly influenced by the hormonal balance.

It is for this reason that women often notice excessive hair loss after childbirth or during menstruation. Hormones are also responsible for the development of one type of alopecia – androgenetic alopecia. It is the most common cause of hair loss in both women and men. It is often genetically determined, and its course leads to a gradual, irreversible loss of hair follicles.

Much less often, excessive hair loss is caused by dermatological diseases – incl. psoriasis, mycosis and atopic dermatitis. Hair loss can also occur in the course of systemic diseases such as:

  1. Chronic systemic diseases – incl. diabetes
  2. Diseases with fever – incl. flu, pneumonia 
  3. Infectious diseases 
  4. Hormonal disorders – incl. overactive or underactive thyroid gland 
  5. Immunological diseases, e.g. Hashimoto’s disease [4] 
  6. Cancers 

Hair loss can also be affected by medications that are taken regularly, including anticoagulants, retinoids, cardiological drugs, antifungal drugs and drugs used in rheumatic diseases.

How to effectively stop hair loss?

If you notice that your hair is shedding excessively, it is a good idea to visit a trichologist or a dermatologist. The specialist will conduct a detailed interview, analyze the condition of the scalp, assess the condition of the hair and, if necessary, propose appropriate treatment. There are many effective treatments that can help with hair loss after contracting the coronavirus. It is i.a. low-energy laser therapy that stimulates the regeneration and growth of hair follicles.

Severe disease can lead to a deficiency of many nutrients. It is therefore necessary to ensure adequate regeneration of the body, e.g. with the help of a healthy, well-balanced diet and appropriate supplementation. It is worth supporting and accelerating convalescence using proven dietary supplements. Such a product is the Dervit Andro supplement, which was developed for all those who struggle with the problem of hair loss.

The Dervit Andro dietary supplement contains the unique Androdiet formula consisting of numerous ingredients of plant origin – saw palmetto fruit, green tea leaves, small flowered willowherb herb and African plum bark. The composition also includes biotin (2,5 mg), silica (12 mg), essential vitamin D3 and essential amino acids and minerals for hair health. Find out more at

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