Hair loss – causes, treatment, home remedies. What about hair loss?

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Hair loss is a condition that complains of a large percentage of the population. Well-groomed, thick and shiny hair is seen in all cultures as an attribute of femininity, a sign of health and an element that influences the attractiveness of both women and men. It is therefore understandable how much stress and discomfort can cause hair loss in people.

Causes of hair loss

The appearance of our hair depends to a large extent on our genes, but also on our health and lifestyle. Hair loss is a physiological phenomenon, it becomes alarming when more than a hundred hairs are lost every day. Sudden hair loss can even appear as a stress response.

Excessive hair loss can be caused by:

  1. malnutrition, including deficiencies of micro – and macro elements, e.g. iron, zinc;
  2. hormonal disorders, e.g. hyper- and hypothyroidism, a large amount of androgens causing the so-called androgenic alopecia in women, decrease in estrogen levels, e.g. after menopause;
  3. mycosis of the scalp, seborrheic dermatitis;
  4. alopecia areata (an autoimmune disease where the body attacks itself);
  5. systemic lupus erythematosus;
  6. androgenetic alopecia – hereditary alopecia affecting both women and men;
  7. drugs, especially those used in cancer chemotherapy (temporary loss), but also contraceptives, anticoagulants;
  8. poisoning with heavy metals such as arsenic, thallium, mercury;
  9. radical diet and heavy weight loss (hair loss is often observed in the period from 3 to 6 months after losing kilograms);
  10. long-term cold (flu, high temperature, infection);
  11. inappropriate hairstyle, i.e. too tight bun or ponytail (stretching the fibers leads to irritation of the hair follicles, which in turn causes thinning of the hair);
  12. frequent hair dyeing and the use of strong hair styling cosmetics;
  13. trichotillomania, a disorder that occurs when you unconsciously pull your hair out;
  14. taping and using clips and rubber bands;
  15. lack of adequate protein in the diet – large amounts are found in fish, meat and eggs (vegetarians can find protein in nuts and whole grains);
  16. childbirth – hair loss after childbirth is associated with a decrease in the level of estrogen in the body, but it is a temporary loss;
  17. drying with high heat or frequent use of a straightener;
  18. excessive intake of vitamin A (both through diet and medication);
  19. smoking – causes damage to the hair and its dullness, and, as a result, falling out;
  20. anorexia and bulimia
  21. scalp diseases, e.g. mycosis, sometimes accompanied by alopecia areata. As a consequence, inflammation occurs that inhibits hair growth;
  22. mental health conditions.

To find out what is causing your hair loss, order the Women’s Beautiful and Healthy Hair e-Package, which is available in a home blood sampling version, which is safe and convenient.

If you have a problem with hair loss, try the Delpos Dermocosmetic Hair Loss Set available at Medonet Market. We also recommend the EPTA HAIR anti-loss energy shampoo or the EPTA HAIR anti-loss hair lotion, which are available separately or in the EPTA HAIR anti-hair loss kit.

Also, a poorly chosen diet is a stimulus for excessive hair loss, mainly the lack of basic nutrients. What we eat has a special impact on how we look outside, so you should enrich your daily diet with iron, protein or vitamin B. If hair loss is extreme (alopecia), you should start taking iron as soon as possible after consulting your doctor. As we know, the lack of iron causes hypoxia in the blood, which in turn weakens and breaks the hair. Women are particularly exposed to deficiencies (especially during menstruation). In order to prevent deficiencies, it is also worth reaching for field horsetail 440 mg for hair, skin and nails. It provides, among others vitamin C, iron, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. It helps to stop hair loss and strengthen its structure. On the other hand, The Q Hair, Nails, Skin – a supplement for hair, nails and skin, thanks to the content of biotin, horsetail and keratin, prevents hair loss and accelerates their growth. It is worth drinking teas based on Horsetail herb, which will naturally improve the condition of your hair.

If you struggle with excessive hair loss, reach for cosmetics available on Medonet Market, such as:

  1. nourishing serum with caffeine, the natural composition of which improves microcirculation and stimulates hair to rapid growth,
  2. Oleiq lavender hydrolate for the body, face and hair, which prevents increased hair loss and stimulates hair growth,
  3. Green Laboratory aromatherapy hair shampoo with essential oils – it stimulates blood circulation and strengthens hair bulbs, thus accelerating hair growth,
  4. Orientana tonic for hair loss with the addition of Indian gooseberry, whose task is to rebuild the hair structure and stimulate growth,
  5. Green Laboratory detoxifying shampoo – thanks to the lavender oil content, it prevents excessive hair loss,
  6. Biotebal shampoo for hair loss,
  7. washing balm for all hair types with Sylveco betulin,
  8. Ayurvedic therapy for hair loss Orientana,
  9. Delpos shampoo for hair loss,
  10. Delpos hair loss lotion,
  11. Delpos hair loss mask.

See also: The best cosmetics for hair loss – which one to choose?

In summer, our hair is particularly prone to deterioration. UV rays, salt / chlorinated water baths make hair loss worse. In summer, we often forget about hair care, and it is important to keep our hair elastic and less brittle. If you go out in the sun – put on a headscarf, hat or cap or spray a protective mist on your hair.

Also, when you come back from the beach or swimming pool, wash your hair! Thanks to this, you will get rid of salt or sand residues. When you use conditioners – lubricate your hair, not your scalp!

Autumn also causes many problems for our hair. During this dark season, we lose about a hundred hairs a day and we expose them to the wind every day. So when you leave the house, pinch your hair back to avoid tearing it. If you wear a hat, expect static electricity in your hair and our solidly styled hairstyle will wear out after a few moments. During the fall period, herbal shampoos are helpful. Natural Capillus shampoo will be a good choice, the vegetable composition of which contributes to strengthening the bulbs and improving the condition of the hair. Also try CAPITAVIT – a hair care balm that will make your hair more fluffy and easier to comb.

During the winter, the effects of snow and frost do not have a good effect on the hair, so it is important to use light preparations so as not to additionally burden them. Vitamin A helps with hair loss.

Hair loss in men – an embarrassing problem

As a rule, men are ashamed of baldness and ignore this problem, unfortunately … Meanwhile, proper diagnosis of ailments helps to combat this problem. Alopecia in men usually begins after the age of 40, it is usually caused by weakening of the hair follicles and their reduced pigmentation. Genes are responsible for the fall of hair in the male sex.

In men, hair loss often takes the form of alopecia areata, in short, there are areas of plaque on the head where there is no hair. These types of diseases should always be treated under medical supervision. In addition to alopecia areata, men are also affected by the so-called androgenetic alopecia, which is characterized by hair loss at the top of the head and at the corners of the forehead, with excessive hair on the ears, back or nose.

So how to help the gentlemen? You need a balanced diet and, above all, consultation with a specialist. The doctor must check whether the cause of baldness is any disease or infection.

As an aid in the case of hair loss, try the Birch liniment with sea buckthorn for atopy, which is rubbed into the scalp at least half an hour before shampooing.

Check: 10 diseases that can be seen in the hair

Hair loss in women

Alopecia in women may have various causes. We can blame the hormonal imbalance, usually after menopause (androgenetic alopecia), or our genes and the use of contraceptives.

Women lose their hair due to:

  1. lack of iron,
  2. stress
  3. the postpartum period (between the 11th and 16th week after giving birth, hair thinning, which grows back after about six months).

If you are losing your hair for no reason, be sure to contact a dermatologist who will find out the cause of your problem. This may be due to, for example:

  1. trouble with the glands that produce hormones, e.g. the thyroid gland, pituitary gland;
  2. excess androgen in the body, the main cause of which is PCOS, childbirth or menopause. When the level of female hormones drops, hair becomes weak and brittle and begins to fall out;
  3. excessive hypersensitivity of the bulbs to androgens: this is a genetic condition, even if the level of androgens is not elevated, it can be a trigger for hair loss, in which case it is called hyperandrogenism.

Do your symptoms require medical consultation? Check it out for yourself in a short medical interview.

If you have a problem with falling out hair, we recommend Klimuszko Herbal Liquid Hair Treatment. The lotion should be thoroughly rubbed into the hair and scalp 3 times a week. To strengthen the bulbs and prevent their falling out, try a natural preparation based on bee products – BIO gentle shampoo with honey Propolia BeeYes is currently available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Hair loss – diagnosis

People suffering from hair loss should consult a trichologist. Considering the fact that hair loss is caused by a number of different factors, a thorough medical interview with the patient is important in order to identify the cause of this ailment. During the diagnosis, it should be determined whether the problem has appeared suddenly or has persisted for a long time, and whether the patient is currently taking any medications. Any allergies and diet also need to be determined. In women, additional information is obtained on the date of the last menstruation, pregnancy or menopause.

If you have problems with hair loss, consult your doctor first. On the website, you can quickly and safely arrange an online teleconsultation with a dermatologist and implement the appropriate treatment.

Then the trichologist performs an examination of the scalp and hair using a trichoscope, a device that enlarges a specific area even more than 200 times. Sometimes a few hairs are pulled out to carefully examine the roots. In unclear cases, it is necessary to extend the diagnostics with additional tests.

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Many of the above-mentioned causes of hair loss are curable, so it’s important to identify and treat effectively. Often, getting rid of the underlying disease or eliminating bad habits allows you to get rid of this unpleasant symptom.

One of the methods of preventing hair loss is rubbing special preparations into the scalp to strengthen the condition of the hair, proper diet, care and hygiene. For example, we recommend Bioherba’s Nettle and Horsetail Hair Wierka, which you can buy at Medonet Market at a favorable price.

When using the preparations, remember that the therapy is long-lasting and you should not be discouraged by the lack of improvement for the first few or several weeks. If there are no results, you can try out hair thickening with the use of needle mesotherapy or perform a hair stem cell transplant. It costs several thousand zlotys, but well-being and high self-esteem are definitely worth the money.

Laser devices – there are special combs and brushes that produce laser light to stimulate hair growth. Thanks to the use of the laser, the hair becomes thicker and healthier.

Finasteryd – it is a product intended for men and inhibits the process of hair loss. It is available in the form of tablets, the action of which is based on the inhibition of the production of DHT, the male hormone that increases the risk of baldness. The preparation is available only on prescription.

Compaction – Non-surgical hair thickening is dedicated to people whose hair follicles have not shown any activity for years, so it is impossible to improve them again. This treatment consists in attaching a special micro-skin to the place of the baldness, in which there are hair individually selected for the patient. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain his old hairstyle.

Recommended hair care products for falling out hair:

  1. Vitamin E and A: they provide excellent protection against negative UV radiation and free radicals. Cosmetics containing these vitamins help to regenerate the hair faster. Try Elixir for dark hair – Bioherba regenerating spray conditioner with vitamins and minerals supporting hair growth.
  2. Silicone: makes the hair shinier and more elastic to the touch, thanks to which the problem with detangling disappears.
  3. Aloe Vera and Sea Minerals: They are especially helpful for people whose hair is dry and whose scalp is severely irritated. You can find aloe vera in Bioherba refreshing and moisturizing hair spray with aloe vera.
  4. Collagen and avocado oil: these two ingredients perfectly regenerate the hair and make it shine beautifully.
  5. Jojoba oil, glycerin and karite butter: they make our hair more elastic and greasy. These ingredients protect against water loss.
  6. Ceramides: protect the hair against the harmful effects of external stimuli.
  7. Caffeine stimulates the hair to grow faster and strengthens it along its entire length. You will find it in the Cannaderm cosmetics set.

Try DermoACM OIL Strengthening Anti Hair Loss Shampoo, which strengthens the hair and protects the scalp from external factors.

Home remedies to help fight hair loss:

  1. egg mixture – proteins contained in eggs increase the thickness of the hair and improve its structure. Beat 1-2 eggs, then apply the mixture to wet hair and leave it on for half an hour. Then wash your hair as usual;
  2. Castor oil massage – regular massaging of the scalp with the addition of castor oil prevents hair loss. Castor oil contains a large amount of vitamin E and fatty acids that stimulate hair growth;
  3. linseed – it contains a large amount of omega 3 acids and proteins that improve the thickness of the hair, moreover, linseed strengthens the hair. To prepare the mixture, soak 1/4 cup of seeds with water (preferably overnight);
  4. blend with avocado – contains a large amount of vitamin E and makes the hair voluminous, and additionally moisturizes and strengthens it. Prepare the mixture – mash the avocado and add the mashed banana and a teaspoon of olive oil. Massage the prepared mixture into the scalp and leave it for about 30 minutes. Then rinse and wash your hair as normal with shampoo.

Appropriate supplementation can counteract hair loss. You can buy the DuoLife Collagen liquid dietary supplement today, which helps to keep your hair in good condition, from the roots to the ends. You can also try N ° 1 Beautiful HAIR – a supplement for beautiful hair, which you can find at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

The following are preventive measures to help avoid hair loss.

  1. Beware of hot styling.
  2. Try to minimize stress.
  3. If you are taking preparations that aggravate the problem of hair loss – consult a doctor. It is contraindicated to withdraw medications prescribed by a doctor!
  4. Use natural hair supplements, such as Keratin Hair Complex with plant extracts.
  5. Do not ignore the problem of hair loss and in any case consult a trichologist. He will help you find the cause of your problem and tell you about the possible consequences. 
  6. Try to wash and dry your hair properly (e.g. do not rinse your hair with hot water). Contrary to appearances, these activities have a large impact on hair loss.
  7. Regularly massage the scalp. For this purpose, you can use the Biolaven scalp scrub, which will cleanse it and stimulate hair follicles to grow.
  8. Remember to moisturize your body from the inside out.
  9. Give up your cigarette addiction and limit your coffee consumption.
  10. Try to avoid eating junk food.
  11. Trim your hair regularly.
  12. Use styling products in moderation.

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