Can you improve your hair with food? It turns out you can. After all, what we eat affects the condition of our hair much more than what we wash and “fertilize” it from the outside.
Hair, like skin, is a mirror of the body. Stress, strict diets, illness – all this affects the condition of the hair in the most direct way: they fade, fall out, split, become dry and brittle or, conversely, excessively oily. Some products can help improve the condition of your hair. Here are their top five according to the authors of the “Food is Alive and Dead” program.
They have a beneficial effect on hair mainly due to the presence of B vitamins in them. In addition, bananas contain biotin, which is necessary for health in general and for the health of hair in particular. It is also called microvitamin B7, and its deficiency in the body can lead to oxidative stress associated with aging. Do not be afraid of their supposedly high calorie content: there are only 90 kcal in one banana, and this will definitely not damage the figure.
They are rich in zinc, the lack of which threatens hair loss and even baldness. They can be added to a variety of dishes or as a stand-alone snack. In the sunflower seeds, familiar to most, there is much less zinc, and they are more high in calories.
The shell of grain, which becomes a waste in the process of producing premium flour, is rich in B vitamins. However, the main function of bran is to cleanse the body. Bran should be in every woman’s diet. At least one tablespoon per day. They can be added to kefir or yogurt, kneaded into salad, cutlets or soup. Better to eat bran in the morning.
Many women lack iron in their bodies due to natural blood loss cycles. This inevitably affects the condition of the hair, especially if the shortage is strong and has already led to the development of iron deficiency anemia. The liver, like red meat, contains a lot of iron, and iron that the body can easily absorb. Of course, the number of animal products should be limited, but a complete transition to vegetarianism can lead to negative consequences.
They need to be eaten regularly! For hair, first of all, yolk is needed, which contains vitamins A, D, E and all the same vitamins of group B. Vitamins A and E are antioxidants necessary for the cells of our body to utilize everything unnecessary and retain everything that is necessary. But the use of eggs in external remedies has dubious benefits. According to experts, the benefits of an egg hair mask are nothing more than a myth.
Of course, the use of these products does not guarantee a mane like that of a lion, but it will definitely improve the condition of the hair. Eat – and be irresistible!