Hair falls out in handfuls? Here are the vitamins your body needs

Falling out hair, thinning eyelashes or breaking nails are the result of a lack of a sufficient number of the right ingredients or vitamins. In terms of beauty, it is true that you can act from the outside, but above all, it is good to provide the body with appropriate vitamins.

More and more people complain about dry, breaking or even falling out hair. What causes the problem of hair loss? There can be several reasons: age, genetics, level hormones, diseases, bad diet, stress, or hairdressing treatments that burden hair.

Thinning hair is a discomfort for some people and causes complexes. In drugstores there is no shortage of preparations that are supposed to improve the condition of the hair and accelerate its growth. However, it is worth supplementing vitamin deficiencies, the lack of which may lead to hair loss.

In addition to supplementation, it is worth reaching for cosmetics intended for falling out hair, eg. A set of cosmetics for hair growth, which includes: shampoo, oil and conditioner-mask from the NAMI brand.

Vitamins and minerals for hair loss

Due to the lack of some vitamins in our body, apart from hair thinning, it may also increase its brittleness. Apart from that, not only can there be fewer of them on the head itself, but also eyelashes and eyebrows can suffer in the same way.

If you want to take care of your hair, remember to use cosmetics with keratin, which is the basic building block of the hair. At Medonet Market you can buy at favorable prices:

  1. Keratin shampoo for damaged hair Arganicare,
  2. Rebuilding keratin conditioner for damaged hair Arganicare,
  3. Deeply nourishing keratin mask for dry and damaged hair Arganicare,
  4. Leave-in keratin conditioner for curly Arganicare hair.

The proper appearance and condition of the hair is influenced by:

  1. Biotin (vitamin B7) can be found in egg yolks, whole grain bread and meat (try also the biotin supplement available HERE; we also recommend Aqua Kick Biotin OstroVit or Healthy Hair Koala Gummies – OstroVit gummies for healthy hair and skin, the basic of which are the ingredient is just biotin);
  2. Iron, which is in red meat, green leafy vegetables, legumes;
  3. Vitamin C. Products rich in it include: citrus fruits, leafy greens and peppers;
  4. Lack of vitamin D can also lead to hair loss. Then it is worth introducing fatty fish or milk to the diet;
  5. Zinc, which is present in meat, beans, nuts and seeds (you can also use Zinc Forte tablets for stronger hair and nails).

If you want to provide your hair with all the vitamins and minerals it needs, order Strong Hair today – a natural Lorem Vit herbal blend available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Supplements for hair loss

If the problem with prolapse is serious, you should consider supplementation. Try, for example, N ° 1 Beautiful HAIR – a supplement that stimulates hair growth, as well as Vitama Nature Hair, Skin and Nails Complex. You can also buy More hair ™ YANGO at a favorable price – for healthy hair, which contains numerous vitamins and minerals supporting the condition of the hair.

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