Hair Extension: Which Method Is Better? Video

Hair Extension: Which Method Is Better? Video

For various reasons, hair can grow very slowly and not be thick enough. And so you want to be well-groomed and beautiful, to delight men with your luxurious curls! The hair extension procedure will make this dream come true. Thanks to her, you can give your hairstyle the desired length and volume, add dark or light tones. This procedure is done on your own hair, their length should be at least 5-10 cm. Depending on the specific technology, there are several different ways of hair extension.

The essence of the classic hair extension method is to attach fake strands to your natural hair. Distinguish between hot and cold methods of attaching hair extensions.

For hot build-up, special capsules containing resin are used as fasteners. Using a glue gun and keratin resin, they “solder” about 40-60 donor hairs to your own hair, forming a whole strand. Thus, 130-160 artificial strands are built up. Their length can be from 35 to 70 cm. Hot extension lasts about 4 hours.

The length of time you will wear the resulting hairstyle depends on the quality and type of resin, as well as on the condition of your wearer hair. If the latter were previously discolored or discolored, weakened due to illness, the wearing period is about 3-4 months.

If you have good, strong and healthy hair, you can wear it for up to 6 months.

At the end of this period, your hairstyle will require a correction, which consists in re-fixing the capsules closer to the hair roots. The main advantage of this technology is its versatility. Almost everyone can extend their hair in this way.

There are Italian and English hot hair extension technologies. In the first case, prepared strands are used with a soldering plate attached to them. The master heats a drop of keratin (resin), which is on the plate, to the desired temperature, applies it in the right place and connects it with special heat tongs. This forms a flat or round capsule the size of a grain of rice. If such a capsule is made of a very small size, then this type of extension will be called micro-extension.

With cold build-up, artificial strands are attached in two ways:

  • with metal clips
  • gluing strands (tape extension)

It should be noted that the tape extension procedure is ideal for women with brittle and thin hair.

The extension procedure using tapes (German technology) is carried out quite quickly. It lasts only one to two hours, after which you will be the owner of a luxurious hairstyle. Hair extension using this technology does not imply either thermal or chemical treatment. With the help of silicone glue, the bands are attached to the hair in the direction of its growth. In this case, the bonding points are invisible, and the glue itself becomes the same color as the hair. It takes 15 minutes to remove the tapes.

The main disadvantage of such a build-up is that when creating high hairstyles and when the wind blows, the ribbons still become noticeable. However, today there are micro tapes on the market that have greatly alleviated this problem. Hair correction should be done every 1-2 months.

For the extension procedure using clips, natural or artificial hair strands can be used, which, if necessary, can be used again. The disadvantage of this type of extension is that it is prohibited for people with thin and brittle hair. Cold build-up lasts 3-5 hours. The duration of the procedure depends on the length of your hair and the number of strands you have added. After about 4 months, you will need to make a correction or remove the clips: by opening them with the help of special forceps, carefully pull off the extended strands.

The disadvantage of clips is that the presence of a foreign body in the hair is felt. Sticking on strands is a more practical way that does not injure the hair.

Today, there are overhead strands on sale that you can clip to your hair yourself. This can be done at home with little effort. The strands attached in this way are usually worn for only one day, evening or night, but they can be reused. The use of false hair on clips and hairpins does not apply to extensions, but this method is the safest, cheapest and fastest. It will only take you a few minutes to attach the strands.

Hair extensions require special care. You can wash your hair with shampoo diluted with water, standing under the shower. In this case, you can not throw your head forward. Hair care products should be applied along the entire length, avoiding contact with the roots. The use of masks directly on the scalp is undesirable, since their oily base helps to weaken the connection of hair extensions and the rapid loss of artificial strands. After washing, gently pat dry your hair with a towel.

When sleeping or playing sports, it is advisable to braid your hair in a loose braid or tie it in a ponytail to prevent tangling of the strands. For combing, it is good to use a special brush with rare teeth without balls at the ends. It is recommended to use only pH neutral products for the care and styling of hair extensions. Choose products that are free of oil additives and wax.

When styling your hair with an iron, curlers, curling irons, you must avoid their contact with the capsules

Going to the sauna or bath, do not forget to take with you a special cap for the head – it is undesirable for extended hair to be exposed to such high temperatures.

Hair extensions are a great way not only to improve your appearance, but also to gain a great mood and self-confidence. And although it is believed that the main thing is inner beauty, the outer will help to express and complement it. Be beautiful!

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