Hair dyes: how to mix different colors? Video
Today there are a huge number of different shades of hair dyes from budget or premium brands-manufacturers of dyes.
Shades of hair dyes: how to mix dyes
By purchasing paint in packaging, you do not get a ready-made dye, but its individual components. To get your perfect shade, you need to learn how to choose the right dyes and mix them to obtain the desired tone, be it light brown, blond, brown-haired or dark. The advice of professional stylists will help you with this.
Professional paints are best mixed. If you decide to get your individual color for the first time and at home, try mixing different shades and apply the mixture not to all hair, but to a separate section. In case of a positive result, you can safely repaint in the resulting shade.
When mixing different colors of hair dye, select closely related shades – this is the only way you will cause minimal harm to your hair and protect yourself from unexpected results.
Always remember that the result will directly depend on the color in which your hair was previously dyed. If the previous dye was dark brown, you won’t be able to lighten your hair 4-5 tones in one color. Stylists recommend switching to lighter shades with each subsequent color.
To mix paints, you will need special plastic or glass utensils, as well as a brush and gloves. Take two of your chosen shades of the same type of paint from the same manufacturer. Pour the dyes into a bowl and stir them thoroughly, then immediately apply the dye to your hair.
To obtain the desired shade, adjust the color depth by the temperature at which you dye your hair and the holding time of the dye on your hair. The higher the temperature and the longer the time, the juicier the final tone.
Before mixing several types of dye, consider dyeing your hair in one base color and highlighting several surface strands with a different shade. It will look like highlighting, and the hair will shimmer in different shades in the sunlight. Plus, it’s much safer than experimenting with unpredictable dye mixing.
But if you nevertheless decide to get an exclusive shade by mixing, be sure to read the composition of the dyes, since incompatible components, if they get on the hair, can greatly harm them.
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