Hair curling on rags. Video

Hair curling on rags. Video

Curly hair always attracts attention. Curls will add charm and charm to any woman, regardless of age. However, if nature has not rewarded you with natural curls, do not worry, you can always curl your hair yourself with the help of improvised means.

Almost every year, more and more technical means appear on store shelves designed to make a woman’s perm fast and strong. Hair curlers, heat rollers, ploys, stylers and other devices – they all have one common drawback: acting on the hair with the help of temperature, they destroy it. Hair loss and sectioning are the unfortunate outcomes. However, it turns out that a safe and at the same time effective method of curling hair was known to our grandmothers. All you need to make your curls yourself is a piece of fabric cut into rags.

Curling on rags has a number of advantages: firstly, it does not require material costs, and secondly, as a result, you get an excellent result in the form of curls of the desired size, and of course, most importantly, this method does not spoil the hair structure.

If you cannot find a piece of fabric at home to make rags for winding from it, then a regular gauze bandage can replace the fabric.

Curling on rags is done for at least six hours, so it is more customary to do it at night. In order to wrap your hair on rags, you need 10×3 cm pieces of cotton, a comb and, if you want to achieve the effect of large curls, then several sheets of plain paper.

You don’t need a hairdresser to curl your hair

First, roll a piece of paper into a cylinder. Remember, the larger its diameter, the larger the curl will turn out. Wrap the resulting cylinder in a rag strip, as a result, you should get homemade curlers, with the ends of the fabric sticking out on the sides. If you need small curls, you can do without paper at all. Take a rag and roll it into a thin flagellum. Wet clean hair with water or styling mousse, comb, divide into strands and start twisting on such cylinders or on flagella like curlers.

Wind the curl around the rag, starting at the ends. Fix the resulting bagel from the strand at the base of the head by tying the ends of the rag. Treat all hair this way. Do not worry about safety, this method of fixation holds up very well, and you can safely go to bed. Due to their softness, such homemade curlers will not interfere with sleep. And already in the morning you will receive magnificent curls: all you have to do is remove the rags from your hair and fix the curls with varnish. Perhaps the first time it will take you some time to make such a perm, but over time you will gain dexterity and be able to wind up in just a few minutes.

In the next article, you will read about how to get rid of antennae above the upper lip.

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