Hair care after washing. Video
Beautiful hair is admired by others. But even the most luxurious hair can lose its appearance if improperly maintained. Therefore, to keep your hair looking alive and healthy, it needs daily care. Washing is one of the main components of proper care. But after it there are a lot of procedures that will make your hair shiny, silky and well-groomed.
How to care for hair after washing?
Basic rules for hair care after washing
Depending on your hair type, it is recommended to wash them from 2 times a week to once every 10 days. The temperature of the wash water also matters. Experts advise using lukewarm water, and rinse the strands with cold at the end.
The first rule of hair care after washing is not to comb it! It is better to comb your hair before bathing, then it will be easier to comb after drying. It is advisable to use combs made from natural materials such as wood.
Remember that short hair is combed from roots to ends, while long hair is the other way around: it starts at the ends and ends at the roots.
The second and main rule of high-quality hair care is the use of various products to maintain a healthy look of hair.
After washing, there are three ways to heal and nourish your hair:
- the use of conditioners (balms)
- use of masks
- the use of decoctions (tinctures)
Conditioners remove static from hair, while balms moisturize strands, making them heavier. Therefore, it is recommended to use conditioner for thin and oily hair, and balm for thick and dry hair. These products can be applied after every wash. To do this, apply conditioner or balm to your hair and rinse thoroughly after 2-3 minutes.
Masks are more effective hair care products. As a rule, home-made masks are applied before shampooing, and professional masks after. But both are used only 3-4 times a month. More frequent use can lead to oversaturation of hair with vitamins, and strands will become heavy and oily. The masks are applied for 20-30 minutes, wrapping the head with a towel. After this time, they are thoroughly washed off.
When choosing professional masks, give preference to well-known brands
As for folk recipes, one of the cheapest and at the same time effective is an egg yolk mask. To do this, you need to rub the egg yolk into the scalp for 5-10 minutes, and then simply rinse it off with warm water. Also, a mask of eggs, honey and brandy is useful for improving the condition of the hair. This mask is best done in courses, then you need to take a break and resume the procedures again.
One of the proven folk ways to improve hair is nettle tincture. With its help, you can not only strengthen your hair, but also enhance their growth. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of dry nettle leaves, fill them with 3 cups of hot water and leave for 7 hours. After that, strain the broth, and then rub it into the scalp and hair with a cotton pad.
For brittle and dull strands, there is another recipe for nettle decoction. Take 1 tablespoon of dry leaves and 1 tablespoon of nettle rhizomes, pour 200 ml of water over them. Cook this composition for 30 minutes. Next, rub the resulting broth into the scalp. You can also add burdock roots to the nettle decoction.
Unlike masks and conditioners, the decoction is not washed off the hair.
The third rule is proper hair drying. Try to minimize the use of hair dryers. Hair is recommended to dry naturally. As a last resort, for quick hair styling, buy a hair dryer with a cold air function and dry the strands at a distance of 40 cm.
To keep your hair looking healthy and shiny, try to minimize or even eliminate the use of curlers and curlers. Before using the curling iron, be sure to spray the strands with heat protection spray. These sprays contain amino acids that nourish the hair from the inside out. Hair becomes silky and pliable when combed.
And you can completely eliminate heat rollers by replacing them with papillots – long strips made of soft material with a wire inside. Papillotes come in different diameters, so you can make curls from the smallest to the largest curls.
A few tips for healthy looking hair
In order for the hair to have a healthy shine, after washing it must be rinsed with an acidic solution. For light hair, add ½ lemon to 1 liter of water, for dark hair – 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of vinegar (6%) in 1 liter of water. If your hair is split, apply burdock oil to the damaged ends half an hour before washing your hair.
Trim the ends of your hair every three months. This will make your hair look well-groomed and your hairstyle neat and tidy.
Do not use tight rubber bands. Try to buy wide and soft hairpins that do not cause discomfort while wearing. It is not recommended to pull hairs after washing, as this can lead to hair loss.
Remember that your beauty is in your hands! If you want to have gorgeous hair, take proper care of it every day, because systematic and consistency is necessary for the desired result.
Also interesting to read: vitiligo.