Habitual constipation – causes, symptoms, prevention

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Habitual constipation is a functional, not caused by any anatomical lesions, long-term stool retention as a result of weak peristaltic (helminthic) movements of the large intestine, or excessive contraction of its muscular layer. This ailment manifests itself as drowsiness and a feeling of fullness and pressure in the abdomen.

What is habitual constipation?

Habitual constipation (popularly known as constipation) is a condition that consists in deliberately refraining from passing stools. It is not related to any lesions. Habitual constipation is the most common problem affecting children who, despite the presence of faeces, avoid defecation. This is a very dangerous situation because it can lead to problems with proper digestion and complications in the form of relaxation of muscle tone in the large intestine, which in turn is able to accommodate larger amounts of residual feces. In addition, there may be disturbances in the feeling of filling the intestines and distension of the rectum. It is worth emphasizing that constipation affects both men and women in all age groups.

The causes of habitual constipation

The factors that determine habitual constipation include:

  1. poor functioning of the intestinal muscle layer in the mechanism of slowing down peristaltic movements,
  2. intensification of the intensity and duration of its contractions in the mechanism of increased intestinal spasticity.

Habitual constipation is favored by, among others:

  1. high flaccidity of the abdominal integuments (weakened force of the abdominal press during defecation),
  2. sedentary work and lifestyle, therefore a small amount of physical activity,
  3. wearing tightly fitting clothes,
  4. medications taken – constipation is often an undesirable effect resulting from the use of medications, especially painkillers and antidepressants. The abuse of laxatives also contributes to the formation of habitual constipation,
  5. eating small-grain and zero-fiber foods on an irregular basis,
  6. heaviness,
  7. apathy,
  8. neurastenia,
  9. pregnancy – this is a condition in which constipation occurs very often,
  10. increased nervous tension of the autonomic system as a result of the impact of a large number of stress stimuli.

In the course of habitual constipation, the fecal masses persist for a long time, especially in the large intestine. Habitual constipation in children often occurs as a result of fear of defecation. This is especially true when learning to sit on the potty or toilet, before going to kindergarten and school. In addition, conflicts in the family, emotional problems or divorce of parents – affect the incidence of constipation in children.

The causes of the pain that occurs when passing stools:

  1. varicose veins and anal fissures,
  2. infection with streptococci and fungi of the anus,
  3. damage or rupture of the anal mucosa due to passing too much stool.

Habitual constipation – symptoms

People who suffer from chronic constipation are usually sluggish, sometimes drowsy, and often complain of the so-called dull headaches and a feeling of diffuse pressure and fullness in the abdomen. Moreover, their stools are dry, dense, usually strongly smelly, with an admixture of mucus, usually with the appearance of sheep’s (sheep’s) faeces, and dark brown in color.

Deepened due to excessive contraction of the muscle layer, the so-called the bulges of the large intestine cause pain and the described constipation.

Diagnosis and treatment of habitual constipation

The diagnosis of habitual constipation can be made only after a thorough examination of the patient’s digestive tract and exclusion of any other causes. Treatment of habitual constipation is usually difficult and long-lasting, and requires lifestyle regulation.

During the treatment of this ailment, the patient is given preparations to facilitate defecation and soften the stool. Lactulose is most commonly prescribed, such as Normalac, Duphalac or Forlax. The minimum dose is 1-3 ml for every kilogram of the child’s weight. The taken preparations do not always bring the expected benefits. It should be a cause for concern if constipation persists despite the administration of laxatives. Then it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct additional tests.

If you have a problem with constipation, start drinking the ECO Recommended Tea for Constipation, which you can buy at Medonet Market. We also recommend Dicopeg Liquid for constipation, available in a package containing 10 sachets.

Treatment of habitual constipation in children requires encouraging the child to pass stools, support them and try to change their approach to this activity. For example, you can reward your toddler when he poops. Thanks to this, after the lapse of time, this activity will cease to be associated with something unpleasant.

IMPORTANT: do not stimulate bowel movement by inserting a thermometer or a finger into the child’s anus! This can make the child dependent on such “help” and disrupt the normal pattern of defecation. The child should acquire the ability to defecate independently.

Home remedies for habitual constipation

A proper diet not only prevents constipation, but also prevents its occurrence. Therefore, in an effective fight against constipation, it is helpful to implement the following products into your daily diet:

  1. plums (preferably dried), coffee, dates and raisins – these are products that accelerate the intestinal peristalsis;
  2. teas and infusions prepared on the basis of, for example, dandelion – have a mild laxative effect;
  3. mint, lemon balm, cumin and chamomile;
  4. liquids – drinking about two liters a day of unsweetened and non-carbonated drinks has a beneficial effect;
  5. a glass of warm water on an empty stomach;
  6. products containing a large amount of fiber – increase the volume of fecal masses, which accelerates their excretion; a large amount of fiber can be found in vegetables, fruits and grains;
  7. apples – accelerate intestinal peristalsis and are a rich source of fiber;
  8. sauerkraut – in addition to accelerating intestinal peristalsis, it has a laxative effect;
  9. linseed – accelerates intestinal peristalsis.

To get rid of constipation and flatulence, it is worth using Harmonix 500 ml – a natural dietary supplement supporting the digestive system, which consists of extracts of 10 herbs and chokeberry juice. The recipe of the product was created based on the knowledge of the monk and physiotherapist, Father Klimuszko. We also recommend natural Safflower Oil Bioherba, available in 250 ml bottles.

Can you prevent habitual constipation?

In the prevention of habitual constipation, it is important to:

  1. limiting or alleviating any stresses and tensions that lead to excessive contractility of the intestinal muscles,
  2. regular undergoing treatments that strengthen the nervous system in a natural way (e.g. baths, cold showers, rubbing, summer baths, abdominal massages) and appropriately targeted psychotherapy (rehabilitation treatment),
  3. eating food at fixed times of the day to develop conditioned reflexes for regular work of the gastrointestinal tract and thus for regular bowel movements,
  4. remembering to pass faeces regularly, even when at the beginning you do not feel any pressure or need to pass it,
  5. introducing large amounts of intestinal irritating fiber into the daily diet (e.g. vegetables, fruit, wholemeal bread, buckwheat, green beans),
  6. provoking stools by natural means, such as drinking a glass of boiled water in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking a glass of boiled water in the morning on an empty stomach with 2-3 teaspoons of honey dissolved in it the previous day, drinking compote of overcooked or soggy prunes, consuming during the day 2 -3 teaspoons not soaked flaxseeds.

If you need help to get rid of fecal mass, you can use the Pear for Constipation, which you can order safely and conveniently on Medonet Market.

Read also: Constipation

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