Habits that lead to high blood pressure – all there is to know about it
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Every day, unconsciously, we can perform many activities that have an impact on the gradual deterioration of our health. Over a long period of time, they contribute to the development of dangerous diseases. The cardiovascular system is particularly at risk. For example, arterial hypertension is very dangerous. What habits lead to high blood pressure? What should be avoided? How to lead a healthy lifestyle that will protect against arterial hypertension?

  1. Currently, one in three people struggle with excessively high blood pressure
  2. Everyday habits can induce or increase the chance of developing high blood pressure
  3. Hypertension is very dangerous for the health and life of the patient
  4. The causes of arterial hypertension include obesity, stimulants, improper diet and a stressful lifestyle.
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

What is hypertension?

Hypertension is defined when blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mmHg. To find out, it is necessary to repeat the pressure measurements – diagnosis cannot be based on just one measurement. The following levels of advancement can be distinguished in the disease:

  1. stage I arterial hypertension – when systolic blood pressure is 140-159 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure is 90-99;
  2. 160nd degree arterial hypertension – when measuring 179-100 mmHg systolic pressure and 109-XNUMX diastolic pressure;
  3. 180rd degree arterial hypertension – in the case of systolic blood pressure over 110 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure over XNUMX.

It is important to check your blood pressure value regularly. The Heart Plus Sanity blood pressure monitor has arrhythmia detection and a hand motion sensor.

Hypertension – who is particularly at risk of it?

Hypertension is a very frequently diagnosed disease. It is estimated that it affects as much as 30 percent. people, most of them male. Mainly mature people suffer from arterial hypertension. In many cases, the causes are independent of the patient – they include genetic predisposition, the natural aging process of the body, and ethnic origin. On the other hand, there are certain activities that accelerate or cause the disease to appear.

  1. How to naturally lower your blood pressure?

Habits that lead to high blood pressure – what should be avoided?

Some regularly repeated habits cause the appearance of high blood pressure. The prevention of the disease includes, first of all, noticing harmful habits and eliminating them from everyday life. Very often, one bad habit drags others along with it – for example, eating large amounts of snacks reduces physical activity. That is why, in order to prevent hypertension, you should act comprehensively and change your current lifestyle. What habits contribute to the development of hypertension?

Habits that lead to hypertension – obesity in the body

Obesity – especially abdominal – greatly influences the development of arterial hypertension. It is she who is considered to be one of the main factors related to the lifestyle that determines the disease. Obesity contributes to an increase in insulin resistance, inflammation and an increase in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. As a result, pressure natriuresis, increased cardiac output, and peripheral vasospasm may occur.

Read more: Abdominal obesity – causes, threats, obesity prevention


Excess body fat disrupts the body’s endocrine balance and the secretion of enzymes, which can also lead to problems with blood pressure, including high blood pressure.

A bad habit will be, first of all, an inappropriate lifestyle that contributes to obesity – high amount of animal fats in the diet and lack of physical activity. Therefore, in the case of obesity, you should try to reduce excess body fat and introduce good eating habits that will have a positive effect on the health and condition of the body.

Habits that lead to high blood pressure – too much sodium in meals

Sodium and potassium in appropriate amounts are responsible for maintaining an appropriate osmotic blood pressure. However, in excess sodium chloride – used in the form of salt in the kitchen – largely contributes to the development of heart defects and arterial hypertension. It will therefore be a bad habit to eat foods and products that contain large amounts of salt, and to excessively salt dishes.

Salty snacks, such as crisps, crackers and peanuts, are the first to contain the most sodium. Shop cold meats with salt as a preservative are also high in the ranking. For similar reasons, large amounts of this element are added to all kinds of canned fish and meat. Sausage and grilled meat also supply the body with large amounts of salt.

Check: Salt – types, properties, harmfulness. Can salt be good for your health?

To get rid of a harmful habit, first of all, you can make a lot of changes to your diet. It is worth eliminating products that contain the greatest amounts of salt and replace them with healthier counterparts. Less processed foods are better for your health, so most of the healthiest dishes are prepared by yourself.

Habits that lead to high blood pressure – poor diet

Improper diet largely contributes to the development of arterial hypertension. We are talking mainly about excessive consumption of animal fats. For patients with elevated blood pressure, the Mediterranean diet is most preferred. Its basis is primarily seafood, sea fish and vegetables. The menu should be rich in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products.

Patients with hypertension are advised to eat whole grain cereal products – for example, whole grain bread, oatmeal, wholemeal pasta and rice. Olive oil, nuts and seeds will also be a valuable addition to your meals. Herbal teas from plants that reduce blood pressure are equally effective – they include especially lemon balm, chamomile and field horsetail. Also try the Eco Tea for the nerves, which lowers blood pressure, relieves anxiety and helps you fall asleep. You can buy it on Medonet Market. We also recommend Rowan fruit, which can be brewed as tea. It supports the work of the heart and strengthens the blood vessels.

Read more: Diet for Hypertension

Habits that lead to hypertension – insufficient physical activity

Exercise has a huge impact on the cardiovascular system. Even slight effort has a beneficial effect in the case of hypertension. This is why It is a very bad habit for patients experiencing blood pressure problems to stop all physical activity. Regular exercise allows you to constantly lower your blood pressure while you are resting. Workouts have many advantages:

  1. improve the efficiency of the cardiovascular system,
  2. strengthen the heart,
  3. contribute to better oxygenation of the organs,
  4. increase the elasticity of blood vessels,
  5. are extremely important in the fight against obesity,
  6. help to lower the level of cortisol in the blood.

For those who are exposed to or struggle with high blood pressure, aerobic exercise is the best option. Their characteristic feature is a steady pace. These include, above all, cycling, walking, jogging, swimming, yoga and endurance exercises.

Habits that lead to hypertension – alcohol abuse

Contrary to many myths, the beneficial effects of wine do not apply to the problem of hypertension. The risk of developing the disease increases proportionally to the amount of alcohol consumed, regardless of its type. Under the influence of alcohol, the pressure decreases and only increases in the second day after consumption. This means that people who frequently use high-percentage alcoholic drinks are at greater risk of hypertension.

Alcohol restriction is just one of the practices used to prevent high blood pressure. It should be remembered that the consistent abandonment of high-percentage drinks or limiting their amount also positively influences other methods of non-pharmacological treatment – reducing body fat, reducing snacks and changing the diet to a healthier one.

Read: How does drinking alcohol affect our health?

Habits that lead to hypertension – heavy cigarette smoking

Smoking is a very unfavorable habit that leads to arterial hypertension. Nicotine has a great effect on blood vessels and leads to their constriction. For this reason regular smokers are more prone to high blood pressure and developing high blood pressure. It also happens that despite the developing disease, blood pressure measurements remain normal – in this case, we are talking about masked hypertension.

Check: Cigarette. The most popular myths about smoking

Habits that lead to high blood pressure – too high levels of cortisol in the blood

Stress has a very big impact on the body. It causes a reaction of the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn translates into cardiac output and an increase in heart rate, as well as an increase in blood pressure. Too much stress can lead to the development of high blood pressure.

Increased cortisol triggers a feeling of hunger, which can result in being overweight, which is also one of the causes of high blood pressure. While stress is not a habit in itself, it can be eliminated from everyday life. Exercise, healthy sleep and relaxation techniques are perfect for this.

What are the effects of high blood pressure?

The great danger of high blood pressure is that the disease may be asymptomatic for a long time. At the beginning, it is accompanied by minor pain – especially headaches and faster fatigue. Gradually, even over many years, serious diseases develop and organs are damaged. The heart is most at risk – patients may suffer from heart attacks or heart failure. The next organ is the brain – strokes are the most common.

The disease also affects the kidneys and blood vessels negatively. As a result of organ damage, health and life-threatening complications arise – for example, kidney failure, atherosclerosis or cardiac hypertrophy.

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