Habits that increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most dangerous cancers. It develops silently over the years without any symptoms. When it is detected, it is usually too late for effective treatment. What can be done to reduce the risk of developing the disease? Doctors point out that a lot depends on our lifestyle.

Pancreatic cancer in Poland

– Pancreatic cancer is taking one of the biggest harvest in Poland. It causes about 5 thousand. deaths every year – said Dr. hab. n. med. Lubomir Bodnar from the Warmian-Masurian Cancer Center. The doctor emphasized that this type of cancer is most common among residents of highly developed countries. Unfortunately, deaths are increasing steadily and the number of cases of pancreatic cancer will increase.

– This cancer will be one of the deadliest in the next decade. It may exceed the mortality rate of other gastrointestinal cancers, such as colorectal cancer and even breast cancer, warns Dr. Bodnar.

Treatment of pancreatic cancer is very difficult, often impossible, so doctors call for prophylaxis, especially if we belong to the risk groups. What can you do?

  1. Also read: Pancreatic cancer is a death sentence? Doctor: when it comes to treatment, we are in the previous century

How can I reduce my risk of developing pancreatic cancer?

Unfortunately, we have no influence on some of the factors that increase the risk of this cancer. The American Cancer Society reports that people over 65 are more likely to get sick. More cases of pancreatic cancer are among men, and the genetic burden is not insignificant. According to expert research, 10 percent. illness is the result of a genetic mutation.

If there have been cases of gastrointestinal neoplasms in the family, it is worth testing for the presence of Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium causes inflammation, which can lead to the development of cancers, especially stomach cancer, but also pancreatic cancer.

Maybe protective … blood group. Scientists have noticed an interesting relationship – people with blood group 0 are less likely to develop pancreatic cancer. Experts are not fully aware of what causes this tendency, but they suggest that it may be related to genes.

The good news is that you can partially lower your risk by changing your lifestyle. One of the most dangerous factors of pancreatic cancer is cigarette smoking. – Smoking increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer twice – warns Dr. Lubomir Bodnar. This is another reason to give up your debilitating addiction. The sooner we do it, the better, because it has been noticed that after stopping smoking, the risk of developing this cancer was reduced.

A lot also depends on your diet. – Obesity increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 30%. – explains Dr. Bodnar. Incorrect weight is often associated with type 2 diabetes, another factor that increases the likelihood of developing pancreatic cancer. Doctors have been observing for years that patients with diabetes more often than others suffer from this cancer.

Proper nutrition has a significant impact on our condition and susceptibility to certain diseases. It has been shown that an excess of red meat (pork, beef, lamb) in your daily diet can increase the chances of developing pancreatic cancer. You should especially beware of processed meat, i.e. delicatessen, fast-food, cold cuts, sausages. These products contain a lot of salt and preservatives, they are often cured and smoked, which has a negative effect on the body. Experts advise to increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruit on the menu – thanks to the content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, they can be part of cancer prevention.

If we want to avoid pancreatic cancer, we also need to be careful with alcohol. Dr. Bodnar emphasizes that it is especially about high-percentage alcoholic beverages. An occasional glass of wine or a drink should not harm us, but regular consumption of large amounts of alcohol has a destructive effect on the pancreas.

Do you have worrying symptoms that could indicate pancreatic problems? Perform a mail-order test for pancreatic insufficiency available on Medonet Market.

Also read:

  1. What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer?
  2. Pancreatitis – all you need to know
  3. How does drinking alcohol affect our health?

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