
He was a brilliant professor and a five-minute genius. She is his student, bright, beautiful, lively. She listened admiringly to his lectures and copied his style in her works. And he, through all this imitative schoolboy husk, saw in her works the brilliance of an amazing mind, to match her beauty.

One day he invited her to his office. And soon she invited him to her home. Their secret romance lasted several years. Then they parted: the professor had a wife and two children, whose well-being he could not sacrifice. Banal story, right? Everything but names. The professor’s name was Martin Heidegger, and his student was Hannah Arendt. A unique collection of letters and photographs of two outstanding philosophers of the XNUMXth century, published for the first time in Russian, is not a love story. This is the story of their life, the story of the movements of the soul and mind of people who have changed the ideas of mankind about good and evil, being and freedom. The book is not exciting or easy, but for those for whom the names of Heidegger and Arendt mean something, it is an absolute must-read.

Gaidar Institute Publishing House, 456 p.

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