Hirudotherapy is a field of informal medicine that uses leeches as a tool and medicine. People noticed the therapeutic effect of such procedures a very long time ago, the first descriptions of sessions with leeches are found in the writings of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. Today, despite technological progress and computer technology, medicine still uses this ancient method of therapy. It is applicable against skin diseases, infertility, aesthetic problems, in dentistry and many other areas of health. To test the healing effect of medical leeches on yourself, you will need a consultation with a hirudotherapist.
Area of activity of a hirudotherapist
Hirudotherapy belongs to a number of non-traditional methods of treatment, it is considered a branch of physiotherapy and naturopathy. However, a specialist in this field – a hirudotherapist – is a physician with a higher education. Such a doctor goes through a full course of study, like any other doctor. He specializes in treatment with leeches, setting the duration of therapy, the number of leeches needed and sessions for each patient.
Among hirudotherapists there are physicians with extensive professional responsibilities, such people treat not one organ or disease, but a whole range of problems. It can be recommended by the attending physician based on the diagnosis.
There are also highly specialized specialists, for example, a gynecologist-hirudotherapist deals exclusively with the treatment of female diseases with leeches. For example, an ordinary gynecologist is not allowed to use leeches if he has not received the necessary certificate.
Scientists also call hirudotherapy bdellotherapy (from the Greek word “bdella” – a leech), and the specialist himself is a bdellotherapist. This branch of medicine has been well studied for thousands of years of its development and has reached our days almost unchanged.
With its help, they improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, and treat diseases of the skin and internal organs. All medicinal properties are due to the unique enzymes that the parasite injects into the bloodstream during suction. In some countries, for example in Russia, treatment with leeches is recognized as an official method of treatment.
The only therapy in this area are special annelids, which occur naturally and feed on blood. In nature, there are almost 400 species of such parasites, but only three types are used in medicine: “medical”, “medical”, “pharmacy” leeches.
Doctors call them simply hiruds or bdells. The described three types of annelids are suitable for use in human treatment, since they do not pose a danger, and their saliva is rich in beneficial enzymes.
For medical practice, hiruds from natural habitats are not used, they are grown in laboratory conditions and each of them is used only once. Annelids have good hearing and sense of smell, react to heat and light. Therefore, the doctor does not apply them to a specific place, but only to the approximate area of impact, where the hiruda itself finds the necessary point. They have five pairs of eyes and three rows of microscopic teeth; with the help of chitinous teeth, the leech easily bites through the top layer of the skin. At the same time, the pain effect is almost not felt, like many blood-sucking, bdella contain a strong painkiller.
Despite the fact that they affect only the epidermis, all beneficial enzymes enter deep into the body. In the saliva of the parasite there is a special element – hyaluronidase – which improves the penetration of all enzymes into tissues, it also improves the effect of subcutaneous and external drugs. Therefore, hirudotherapy is often combined with other traditional and alternative methods of treatment.
The therapeutic effect of application is based on three factors:
- Reflex. Blood-sucking worms successfully replace acupuncture, since they independently find active points, they stick in reflexogenic places.
- Mechanical. The absorption of blood and its subsequent outflow from the wound is considered a positive mechanical effect on the blood flow.
- Biological. The basis of all treatment is a complex of useful substances that improve the physiological processes in the body. Scientists count almost a hundred different biologically active components that the leech injects into human blood; due to this they have been so widely used since antiquity.
In addition to getting rid of one specific problem, sessions of such bloodletting have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.
Reviews of those who have already tried the whole effect on themselves note the normalization of sleep, a surge of strength and energy, easy awakening in the morning.
Scientists note that such a set of enzymes has a great effect on immunity and strengthens the nervous system.
What does this doctor treat?
The field of activity of a hirudotherapist includes a lot of diseases. Beneficial enzymes, which are stored in the salivary glands of leeches, have properties applicable in a wide variety of diseases. Thus, the resolving effect has a positive effect on the treatment of benign tumors, adhesions of internal organs, and the removal of scars. Also, hiruds are great for breaking down bad cholesterol and fats, so they are widely used to get rid of excess weight and heart disease.
An extensive list of useful properties of medical parasites allows a hirudotherapist to treat almost any organ and disease. As already mentioned, such a specialist can choose a narrow focus and deal with a limited area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbtasks, for example, rheumatology, gynecology, urology, and so on.
Most often, a hirudotherapist solves the following problems of patients:
- endocrine diseases: thyroid cyst, goiter, diabetes mellitus;
- urology: secondary male infertility, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, prostatitis;
- diseases of the ear, throat, nose;
- problems of the brain and spinal cord;
- neurosis, insomnia, mental disorders;
- obesity;
- gum disease: glossamia, periodontitis;
- gynecological problems: infertility, uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
The effectiveness of the use of medical hiruds shows itself equally positively for both the female body and the male one. In addition to the clinic of various diseases, hirudotherapy has gained immense popularity in the field of cosmetology. To solve aesthetic problems, cosmetologists apply leeches against obesity, cellulite, to rejuvenate the face and body, to improve skin color.
How is the session
To begin with, the specialist will need tests, without them, not a single hirudotherapist can prescribe treatment. Based on the results obtained, he will be able to set the required number of sessions, the number of leeches themselves, the duration of the procedure. To do this, the doctor will prescribe general urine and blood tests, special studies on fibrogen, the patient’s blood clotting time, and hematocrit.
Preliminary collection of tests will allow you to choose the right course of therapy and exclude the possibility of contraindications.
At the appointment with a specialist, a certain amount of medical bdell will be applied. The price for a hirudotherapy session will depend on the required amount of time for the procedure and leeches. The parasites are applied to clean skin in the area being treated by the patient.
It may also be necessary to apply to the mucous membrane, for example, in the treatment of gynecological problems or periodontology. In the area of the mucous membranes, bloodletting is much faster than on the skin.
At the time of application, a slight burning sensation is felt at the place of setting, similar to a mosquito bite. Then such sensations disappear due to the analgesic effect. Depending on the diagnosis, the procedure can last from 10 minutes to an hour. During this time, the leech sucks in a small amount of blood and slowly lets in useful elements through the wound. The procedure can be interrupted by the doctor or last until the parasite falls off on its own.
After the procedure, the leeches are disposed of by placing them in a special solution. The wound on the patient’s body is treated with chlorhexidine and a bandage is applied.
Since hirud saliva has a thinning effect, the bite site will bleed for some time. Patient reviews note that blood is released after the session for at least another day. At the end of the appointment with the hirudotherapist, the patient is given recommendations for caring for the bite sites.
The duration and intensity of treatment is determined by the doctor. On average, a patient needs 5-7 bdells and 8 to 12 procedures. Take breaks between doses, no more than 2 sessions per week.
Reasons to visit a hirudotherapist
In most cases, patients turn to such a specialist of their own free will, based on the feedback of friends. In some cases, such procedures may be prescribed by another doctor for the complex treatment of diseases.
There are several cases when it is worth coming for a consultation with a hirudotherapist, these include:
- skin problems;
- varicose veins;
- joint and back pain;
- increased blood clotting;
- loss of strength, apathy;
- stool indigestion.
If a rash, redness, itching or peeling appears on the skin, first of all you need to consult a dermatologist. These can be symptoms of serious illnesses that are best dealt with by a professional. After his approval and diagnosis, you can contact a bdellotherapist for additional help.
Also, such sessions solve many cosmetic problems: rejuvenation, improvement of skin tone, getting rid of acne.
Enzymes, penetrating deep into tissues, treat both the epidermis and subcutaneous fat complications.
Varicose veins over time can cause blood clots, and this, in turn, is life-threatening. Leeches cope with this task best of all, since the main action of their saliva is blood thinning. In addition, there is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. For the same reason, hiruds are widely used for patients who have undergone surgery. After surgery, the risk of thrombosis increases, a course of hirudotherapy is prescribed for prevention.
In any case, an appointment with a hirudotherapist can take place only after passing tests and examinations. Despite the many positive aspects of such therapy, doctors warn that there are contraindications. These include hemophilia, pregnancy, malignant tumors, low red blood cells. In addition, the patient may have poor tolerance to such procedures, caused by a medical history.
Before making an appointment, you should find out where such a specialist takes. Leech application services are provided in private medical centers and clinics, there are also specialized medical facilities for hirudotherapy. Similar sessions take place in sanatoriums and resorts. Unfortunately, public hospitals rarely have an office of such a specialist. When choosing a doctor, it is better to read reviews about him, find out in advance the prices for treatment, and undergo the necessary examinations.
It is important to note: if the doctor does not require testing, it is better to look for another doctor, since this method of therapy requires mandatory research. Pharmacy hiruds are sometimes sold in pharmacies, so some even apply them themselves. It is strongly not recommended to do this without the necessary medical education, due to contraindications.
In general, this method of treatment has been justified for many centuries. With its help, they get rid of diseases, restore reproductive function and have children, rejuvenate the skin and lose weight. Despite skepticism from some scientists, this technique continues to increase the number of grateful patients.