Gynecomastia – symptoms and diagnosis. What is the treatment of gynecomastia?

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Gynecomastia is an enlargement of one or both breasts in a man. The condition is the result of too much glandular tissue, adipose tissue, or both. The ailment is not dangerous, but it often causes problems with self-esteem in men. On the other hand, lowered self-esteem can result in problems in intimate relationships. Fortunately, you can get rid of gynecomastia. We explain below how.

Gynecomastia – symptoms

Gynecomastia can occur in men of any age. The primary symptom is nipple enlargement which may be associated with minor pain. In rare cases, itching occurs additionally. To diagnose the condition, you should visit a doctor who will conduct a physical examination as well as a detailed interview with the patient.

At the beginning, it is worth contacting an internist, who will then refer the patient to an appropriate specialist. In case of gynecomastia this will be an endocrinologist, and if gynecomastia is associated with overweight or obesity – a bariatrician or a dietitian.

Gynecomastia is usually the result of too high levels of prolactin or estradiol in relation to testosterone. It can also be the result of taking certain medications or doping agents.

  1. How to check testosterone levels?

Jak leczyć ginekomastię?

Sposób leczenia ginekomastii zależy od tego, z jakim typem dolegliwości zmaga się pacjent. Istotny jest także jego wiek – u dzieci i nastolatków nie powinno się wdrażać żadnej terapii, jeśli objawy trwają krócej niż rok. Ważne jest także detection of the causes of gynecomastia. Jeśli pojawia się podejrzenie, że za taki stan rzeczy odpowiadają na przykład leki, należy je zastąpić innymi.

Gynecomastia – home treatment

It should be noted that there is no such thing as home remedies for gynecomastia. Enlarged male breasts cannot be eliminated on their ownespecially if the cause of the symptoms is unknown.

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Exercise can help in the event of excessive fat gain, but getting rid of it completely lipomastia w ten sposób zwykle nie jest jednak możliwe. Aktywność fizyczna jest jednym z elementów składających się na pełną, skuteczną terapię.

Gynecomastia – drug treatment

In a situation where the causes of gynecomastia are not entirely clear, drugs that regulate the levels of testosterone and estradiol in the body can be used. They are mainly:

  1. antyestrogeny,
  2. testosterone preparations,
  3. inhibitory aromatazy.

It happens that conservative treatment does not bring satisfactory results. In such a situation, the solution is gynecomastia surgery. The procedure consists in getting rid of excess tissue from the area of ​​male breasts. Which surgical technique is chosen depends on the type of medical condition.

Leczenie ginekomastii tłuszczowej

The best way to get rid of excess fat from a patient’s breast is liposuction, i.e. liposuction. The procedure performed using the traditional method is quite invasive, which is why modern techniques such as Vaser Lipo (ultrasonic liposuction) or WAL (water liposuction) are increasingly used today. Zmniejszają one ryzyko uszkodzenia nerwów oraz naczyń krwionośnych położonych w obrębie klatki piersiowej i skracają czas potrzebny na rekonwalescencję.

  1. What are the main indications for liposuction?

The latest generation of ultrasonic liposuction – Vaser Lipo HD – also allows you to model the treatment area. This is especially important in the case of large gynecomastia, as the excess of sagging skin can be particularly severe in this case.

W razie zastosowania innej metody liposukcji można pozbyć się go jedynie chirurgicznie. Z tego też względu pacjenci ze znaczną lipomastią, zamiast odsysania tłuszczu wybierają czasami klasyczną operację, którą zwykle wykonuje się przy ginekomastii gruczołowej.

If lipomastia is small, injection lipolysis can be used instead of liposuction. The procedure consists in injecting a special preparation into problematic parts of the body, which causes the membranes of fat cells to dissolve and the fat is absorbed in the natural metabolic process.

Operacja ginekomastii gruczołowej

Due to the specificity of the glandular tissue (and more precisely, its greater density), in the case of gynecomastia on this basis, surgery is the method of choice. The surgeon then gets rid of the excess tissue, and if the ailments are of significant size – also the skin. Small incisions are made in places that reduce the visibility of scars, ensuring not only a great cosmetic effect, but also a short healing time. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and usually involves a one-day stay in the hospital.

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If an excess of both types of tissues is detected in a patient, the doctor may combine surgical intervention with liposuction. In such a situation, the first stage of the procedure is liposuction. Then the excess glandular tissue and sagging skin are cut out. This solution provides great cosmetic effects.

Gynecomastia – preparation for surgery

The first stage of preparation is to perform the appropriate tests. The doctor will provide the patient with a detailed list, but usually these are:

  1. morphology,
  2. blood group determination,
  3. ob,
  4. creatinine,
  5. blood coagulation indicators,
  6. poziom glukozy i elektrolitów.

Na 2 tygodnie przed procedurą należy odstawić leki rozrzedzające krew. Osoby palące powinny zrezygnować na ten czas z nałogu. Lekarze odradzają także intensywne treningi na siłowni. Jeśli pacjent nie zastosuje się do zaleceń, po zabiegu mogą czekać go krwawienia z ran pooperacyjnych, co wydłuża rekonwalescencję.


The day before the operation, you should refrain from drinking alcohol and eating spicy, hard-to-digest foods. Fasting on the day of the procedure – only drink a small amount of water.

Gynecomastia – contraindications for surgery

On list przeciwwskazań do usunięcia ginekomastii there are mainly systemic diseases, such as:

  1. heart, liver or kidney disease
  2. diabetes,
  3. blood coagulation disorders,
  4. cardiovascular disease.

Surgery should also not be performed on men who use anabolics, i.e. preparations that increase muscle mass.

  1. Is taking anabolics safe?

Gynecomastia – postoperative procedure

A compulsory point of recovery after gynecomastia surgery is rest. You should stay at home for the first week, and then you can go back to work as long as it is not strictly physical. Wysiłku należy unikać przez około 2 tygodnie, później można zwiększać aktywność fizyczną poprzez wprowadzenie spacerów i marszów. You should wait for at least a month before you return to the gym.

After the procedure, the patient receives special compression garments that must be worn for the time indicated by the doctor – usually one month. This element helps the tissues to contract, minimizes swelling and makes the skin arrange the right way. 3-4 weeks after the surgery, it is worth introducing a special massage that will help minimize the visibility of scars. The method of its performance will be presented to the patient by the doctor performing the procedure.

  1. How to feed the patient before and after surgery?

Treatment of gynecomastia in the NHF

Surgical treatment of gynecomastia it is not reimbursed by the National Health Fund – except for situations in which the patient’s health and life depends on the procedure. Importantly, this does not apply to the method of liposuction.

The National Health Fund may cover the costs of pharmacotherapy, but only if the patient suffers from testosterone deficiency or chronic diseases that reduce its level.

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