Gynecomastia, i.e. a man with breasts

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Breast glands can be a cause of worry not only for women. Although it’s hard to believe, it’s also a male problem. Gynecomastia, which is an overgrowth of breast tissue in men, can occur at any age and may affect one or both breasts.

Gynecomastia – who is breast enlargement related to?

Harmless breast enlargement is seen in newborns (3-5 days of age) and is associated with high levels of estrogen transmitted through the placenta. After 3-4 weeks, everything returns to normal. During puberty breast enlargement it may be provoked by administration of androgens or a higher dose of vitamin D. Younger boys sometimes develop lipomastia, which is the accumulation of fatty tissue around the areola of the breast. But in any of these cases, the breast remains soft.

Gynecomastia – where does it come from?

About development of gynecomastia there are several theories. Some experts believe that gynecomastia is associated with an excess of prolactin in the body, a hormone that is responsible for the production of milk in women. However, more followers have the view that enlargement of breasts in men is associated with an imbalance between androgen and estrogen levels. The excess of estrogens caused by the decrease in the concentration of androgens can be a sufficient stimulus to stimulate the nipple to grow. Some scholars say that what happens in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland has a decisive influence on the development of a male’s nipple. But it doesn’t stop there.

Breast enlargement may occur as a complication in patients with end-stage renal disease. It appears in cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer, and disorders of the hepatic circulation. It may also be related to malnutrition, avitaminosis and digestive tract disorders, which lead to the destruction of the body.

Another reason may be taking medications that contain estrogens or support their activity. Gynecomastia can also be a consequence of taking drugs that inhibit the synthesis of testosterone or reduce its effectiveness. These are, for example, anti-edema drugs, diuretics, inhibiting the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, antifungal drugs, administered in cancer therapy, treatment of arterial hypertension. It has also been found that some drugs – heroin, marijuana – provoke the appearance of gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia – how is it treated?

An experienced doctor can diagnose gynecomastia on the basis of an interview with the patient (it is important for the doctor to know about all diseases and medications taken) and a simple examination. By touching the breasts, the doctor notices the growth of hard tissue. To be sure, laboratory tests are recommended – most often the level of testosterone, estradiol, thyroid hormones in the blood serum and liver enzymes. If he suspects cancer, he or she orders a mammography and, if necessary, a biopsy.

Therapy is about removing the cause and therefore treating it a condition that contributed to the development of gynecomastia. If it is necessary to administer hormones, the treatment must be determined individually.

Surgical treatment is irrelevant to the treatment. It is merely a procedure that improves the appearance of the chest. Fat suction is sometimes used in obese men.

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