What is gynecology?
Obstetrics and gynecology is the medical specialty that focuses on the body of women, whatever their age, and their genitalia.. Note that the term obstetrician comes from latin Turning, which means “to stand in front”, and the term gynecologist comes from Greek guaikos logos which means “study of women”.
Gynecology includes several branches:
- la medical gynecology, which focuses on diagnosing and treating functional disorders of the contraceptive cycle, menopause, but also to screen for genital cancers;
- reproductive medicine, which is concerned with sterility and infertility of the couple ;
- la antenatal medicine, which is used to better assess the state of fetal well-being, thanks in particular to fetal ultrasound;
- la gynecological surgery, which relates in particular to benign or malignant tumors;
- theobstetrics, which includes the monitoring of pregnancy, illnesses that may occur during pregnancy, the management of childbirth and the aftermath of childbirth.
When to see a gynecologist?
There are many reasons for going to see a gynecologist. These include:
- a breast condition (such as size);
- a problem with the uterus or vagina (such as pain, bleeding, abnormal discharge);
- a need for contraception (pill, IUD, etc.);
- consultation of a gynecologist in the event of pregnancy, for follow-up;
- during menopause;
- or in the event of a fertility problem.
Note that it is advisable to consult a gynecologist once a year, so that he ensures a routine follow-up.
What does the gynecologist do?
The gynecologist is the specialist in women’s health. Depending on the reason for the consultation, he may have to carry out several examinations:
- un frottis ;
- a vaginal examination;
- palpation of the breasts;
- a scan ;
- a amniocentesis ;
- clinical practices relating to medically assisted procreation.
- It is also present during childbirth, vaginally or by Caesarean.
What are the risks during the consultation of a gynecologist?
The consultation with a gynecologist does not involve any particular risks for the patient. It is in any case the role of the doctor to clearly explain the modalities, the possible difficulties or even the dangers associated with the procedures, examinations and treatments that he will have to perform.
How to become a gynecologist?
Training as a gynecologist in France
To become a gynecologist, the student must obtain a diploma of specialized studies (DES) in gynecology-obstetrics:
- he must first follow 6 years at the faculty of medicine, after his baccalaureate;
- at the end of the 6th year, students take the national classifying tests to enter the boarding school. Depending on their classification, they will be able to choose their specialty and their place of practice. The internship lasts 5 years and ends with obtaining the DES in gynecology and obstetrics.
Finally, to be able to practice and carry the title of doctor, the student must also defend a research thesis.
Obstetrician-gynecologist training in Quebec
After college studies, the student must:
- follow a doctorate in medicine, lasting 1 or 4 years (with or without a preparatory year for medicine for students admitted with a college or university training deemed insufficient in basic biological sciences);
- then specialize by following a residency in obstetrics and gynecology for 5 years (including 2 years of surgical foundations).
Prepare your visit
Before seeing a gynecologist, it is important to take recent prescriptions, smear or blood test results, any mammograms or x-rays taken.
To find a gynecologist:
- in France, via the website of the National Council of the Order of Physicians (4).
- in Quebec, you can consult the website of the association of obstetricians and gynecologists of Quebec (3);
When the consultation with a gynecologist is prescribed by an attending physician, it is covered by the Health Insurance (France) or the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec.