Gynecologist – treats, protects, prevents
Gynecologist - treats, protects, preventsGynecologist – treats, protects, prevents

A visit to the gynecologist’s office is associated, first of all, with the so-called women’s matters, secondly, with pregnancy (some women only then report to the doctor) and with … stress, especially since for many women prevention in this area is practically non-existent. Health problems are the reason for visiting a gynecologist. Meanwhile, regular gynecological examinations are very important for patients of all ages, especially in terms of early detection of cervical cancer. Infertility treatment and safe and effective contraception are also very important issues.


Why do Polish women (not) go to the gynecologist?

Statistics on how Polish women approach gynecological examinations do not look too optimistic. Regular visits to the doctor (at least once a year) concern mainly women who use hormone replacement therapy. On the other hand, the rest of the surveyed women admit that health problems are the reason for gynecological consultations. A large group of women (as many as 12% of respondents) still talk about shame before a gynecological examination, moreover – the results of the report prepared by Millward Brown SMG/KRC on behalf of the MSD for Health Foundation indicate that 6% of respondents have never consulted a gynecologist before. Unfortunately, many women decide to visit only when there is a problem, e.g. with getting pregnant.

The problem of infertility affects every fifth couple

Undoubtedly, the problem of infertility is one of the greatest challenges facing medicine today. More and more couples who have problems with getting pregnant come to gynecologists in Warsaw. In fact, infertility is becoming a social and demographic problem. Statistics are merciless in this case – in the 80s, fertility problems concerned 10-14% of the surveyed couples, now we are dealing with an indicator of 20% and we are certainly talking about an upward trend here. It is worth noting that infertility is not only a female problem, although it is certainly more difficult for men to accept the need for tests. Meanwhile, it turns out that about 40% of the causes of infertility lie with women and the same is true of statistics in the case of partners, 20% are the so-called common infertility. Dr. Grzegorz Południewski, a well-known and respected gynecologist from Warsaw, as part of infertility treatment and diagnostics, conducts examinations concerning both the partner and the partner. In the case of men, these are in particular:

  • semen quality analysis,
  • tests for the presence of antibodies that destroy sperm,
  • blood tests of testosterone and prolactin levels,
  • testicular biopsy.

Research on women includes:

  • ovulation assessment,
  • Transvaginal ultrasound to assess the structure of the ovaries (patients can use 3D and 4D ultrasound at Dr. Południewski’s office),
  • ovulation monitoring,
  • checking the patency of the fallopian tubes.

The causes of infertility

Considering that even conservative forecasts say that in 20 years most conceptions and deliveries will require medical support, it is also important to know the reasons for such a large scale of the infertility problem. The argument of the so-called unhygienic lifestyle – from unhealthy diet, through stimulants, polluted environment to underestimating the importance of prevention. There are also reasons related to the specificity of gender, and in the case of women, it is mainly about:

  • ovulation disorders (for hormonal reasons),
  • polycystic ovary syndrome (ovulation problems),
  • untreated inflammation of the reproductive organs, infections,
  • thyroid diseases

One of the significant problems is also the fact that more and more women postpone motherhood and decide to have their first child after the age of 30, when the probability of getting pregnant decreases every year.

When it comes to men’s problems, these include:

  • improper diet (including consumption of water and products with female hormones),
  • the use of stimulants,
  • abuse of steroid drugs,
  • testicle overheating,
  • stress,
  • health problems, such as thyroid diseases, diabetes, anemia,
  • psychological and sexual problems.

The complexity of medical care is all the more important. In the case of Dr. Grzegorz Południewski, patients are provided not only with professional examinations, access to a sperm bank, but also the possibility of sexological consultations with the best specialists.

Modern contraception

Of course, problems with getting pregnant is only one of the important aspects. It can be said that at the opposite extreme lies the issue of effective contraception. More and more patients interested in the most effective, safe and reversible methods come to the gynecologist in Warsaw, i.e. in a large capital city. Dr. Grzegorz Południewski offers his patients modern long-term contraception, i.e.:

  • IUS (intrauterine hormone system),
  • IUD (intrauterine copper device),
  • contraceptive implant.

According to research and in the opinion of specialists, we are dealing with the highest rates of effectiveness, moreover, a woman does not have to worry that she will forget to take a pill, etc. These methods work for several years and, what is especially important, they are reversible, i.e. after their removal, the patient can become pregnant . The fact that it is a much smaller dose of hormones that act locally is also a plus.

The example of Dr. Grzegorz Południewski — one of the most respected gynecologists in Warsaw – argues that it is worth taking care of prevention, and that a gynecological office is a friendly and very important place in a woman’s life. Let us remember that not only pregnant patients should report regularly to a specialist. At the age of 20-30, regular visits and check-ups should be the norm. These include, for example, annual cytology, ultrasound of the reproductive organs (every 2 years) and breast ultrasound (once a year). After the age of 30, special attention should be paid to screening for uterine fibroids, and ultrasound and cytology can be performed once every 2 years. Your doctor may also suggest a mammogram, which is increasingly important after age 45. Full diagnostics is provided by Dr. Grzegorz Południewski in his office in Warsaw.

Details about this gynecologist in Warsaw here.

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