Figures like these guys are admirable, right? And also the desire to work on your own body. Excellent fitness trainers infect us with their example in Astrakhan. Which of the 8 muscular beauties do you like the most? Woman’s Day suggests – Vote!
Age, height, weight: 26 years old, height 185 cm, weight 94 kg.
About: initially I went to play sports with my friends, but I didn’t think that it would be so fascinating to me. After a while, I began to study in depth all the subtleties of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and training rules. Now I can say with confidence that I cannot imagine my life without sports. If for some reason I miss a workout, the body immediately makes itself felt. Now I’m thinking about starting to compete in bodybuilding competitions. In addition to sports, I am engaged in business.
Place of work: gym A-Gym, work experience – 2 years.
Tips and tricks for girls: playing sports is not only a beautiful figure, for which most girls come to gyms. First of all, it is health and general vitality. Exercising helps you become stronger, more resilient, and disciplined. A good figure is a good plus to all of the above! At the initial stage, I would advise girls to take the choice of a coach seriously, since going to the gym without an instructor is a waste of money. A good and experienced trainer will select the required level of stress and offer you the power system that suits you best at the moment. Only with an integrated approach is it possible to achieve good results. And if there is a result, then the coach is good.
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Age, growth, weight: 21 years old, height 186 cm, weight 90 kg
About: I’ve been friends with sports since I was six. Earlier he was engaged in karate and football. He became the champion of the Astrakhan region in karate, and as part of the backup team “Volgar” participated in the All-Russian competitions. I had to leave professional sports due to an injury, but I could not give up physical activity forever. At the age of 17, I began to train for myself, mastered fitness programs and have been working as an instructor for a year now. At the same time, I am studying to be an environmentalist and helping parents with their business.
Place of work: gym A-Gym.
Tips and tricks for girls: every girl deserves to be attractive in the eyes of men. And what, if not sports, will help her achieve this? If you decide to go to the gym, do not skimp on a good trainer. In the first months of work on yourself, it is simply necessary. A good coach will “drive” you not only in the gym, but also in the kitchen. After all, there is no good figure without proper nutrition. The coach should look for an individual approach to everyone: somewhere to console, somewhere to insist, somewhere to joke and, of course, always and everywhere to motivate by his example.
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Age, height, weight: 26 years old, height 175 cm, weight 71 kg
About: I lead an active and healthy lifestyle in all its manifestations. I go in for football, boxing, cycling, and, of course, fitness!
Place of work: fitness club “Bars” on Kulikova
Tips and tricks for girls: dear girls, go to training! Your figure will be more feminine and sexy.
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Age, height, weight: 27 years old, height 178 cm, weight 74 kg
About: I have been dancing for 19 years, started with ballroom, where I earned the title of Master of Sports and became the champion of Russia and four-time champion of the south of Russia. He took part in the Sha Noir ballet show. 6 years ago he became interested in social dancing, a year later he began to teach at the Ritmo Picante Latin American dance school, where I continue to work to this day. In general, he began teaching at the age of 14. In 2009, at the Swan choreographic competition, where 250 performances were presented, my work for the Academy of Miracles dance theater became a gold laureate. A year ago, I became seriously interested in fitness and work in the gym. At the moment I am an instructor at the Limbo dance fitness studio.
Job: Latin American dance school Ritmo Picante, dance fitness studio Limbo.
Tips and tricks for girls: eat right, engage in active physical activity, and you will not only see, but also feel the changes for the better! Try it once and you will never give up on these good habits.
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Age, height, weight: 24 years old, height 186 cm, weight 112 kg
About: I was always interested in sports, but I looked at it from the outside. I never thought that someday I would come to the idea that it was time to change something in life, no one ever believes, but since I did not always look now, I also faced the problem of being overweight. A sedentary lifestyle, study, stress, lack of discipline in nutrition, in general, in the 3rd year at the institute, I decided that it was time to change my lifestyle. I had no doubts, and my only salvation was in the gym. I realized that it was mine. I became interested in absolutely everything, from dietetics to anatomy and body construction. Less than two years later, I was already on the stage along with other athletes. In two years I have completely changed and started working as a coach. I memorized a lot of sports literature, was successfully trained as a gym instructor. Now, having vast experience, both working and competitive, I help my clients now change their lives. The main sporting achievements – first of all, these are my changes, thanks to which I became a professional athlete, I am a member of the Bodybuilding Federation, I participate in various competitions, the last season was more than successful! I became a bronze medalist in classical bodybuilding at the Eastern European Championship, and also became the first in Kazakhstan.
Job: Fitness Club Fit-Studio.
Tips and tricks for girls: the main advice for everyone who is just starting or just thinking of starting – go for it! Believe in yourself! Never doubt and take action. Well, as well as a little advice for those who have already started and are trying to adhere to a healthy diet – more protein foods, moderately complex carbohydrates and fats. And also more vegetables and herbs. And believe that you will succeed!
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Age, height, weight: height 178 cm, weight 84 kg
About: champion of the Astrakhan region, prize-winner of the Russian kyokushinkai karate championship. My hobbies are freediving, rock climbing, light hiking, motorcycles and I love reading!
Place of work: Fitness Club Fit-Studio.
Tips and tricks for girls: three factors that help you achieve a beautiful body: genetics, nutrition, and regular exercise. At least two of the three factors we can control. The rest is a matter of your desire!
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Age, height, weight: 26 years old, height 176 cm, weight 83 kg.
About: I started my sports life at school. He was fond of various sports such as taekwondo, football, basketball. At the age of 17, I entered the University at the Faculty of Law and completely devoted myself to study. At the same time, he did not forget about sports and began to work out in the gym. At the age of 22 after the army, I started thinking about a career as a personal trainer. I independently studied a lot of materials related to nutrition, body development, as well as psychology. I went through training seminars such as “Gym instructor. Personal trainer ”,“ Functional training as personal training ”. And already at the age of 23 he was preparing novice athletes for regional powerlifting competitions, who have now achieved great success. I work with clients of different ages and with different physical abilities.
Place of work: fitness club FIT & GYM.
Tips and tricks for girls: you need to start classes in the gym under the guidance of an experienced trainer. Only he can assess the level of your physical fitness and give the correct load.
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Age, height, weight: 26 years old, height 180 cm, weight 87 kg.
About: I go in for sports from an early age. At the age of 6 he started playing professional hockey. By the age of 15 he received the title of Candidate Master of Sports. Due to the injury and a long break, I had to leave professional hockey and go to amateurs. From 17 to 22 years old he was engaged in hand-to-hand combat. He won prizes in various competitions. In 2012 he graduated from the university with a degree in economist-manager. In 2010, continuing my sports activities, I took training seminars, such as “Gym instructor. Personal trainer ”,“ Functional training as personal training ”. At the moment I have been working as a personal trainer in the direction of physical culture (bodybuilding, fitness) for more than 5 years.
Place of work: fitness club FIT & GYM.
Tips and tricks for girls: in order to lose weight through sports, you also need to eat right. The body should not suffer from a lack of nutrients, and you should have a lot of strength for grueling workouts and after them, in order to lead the usual way of everyday life.
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Who would you like to work with on your figure? Vote!
Voting is over! Yaroslav Kopeikin became the best fitness trainer in Astrakhan in the opinion of site users. The winner will receive an hour of photo session from photographer Romina Patkina as a gift.
Thank you all for participating!