Gymnopil disappearing – agaric fungus of the Strophariaceae family, genus Gymnopil. Refers to inedible wood parasitic mushrooms.

What does a disappearing hymnopyle look like?

In a young mushroom, the cap has a convex shape, gradually it becomes flat-convex and, finally, almost flat. Some specimens have a tubercle in the middle. Size – from 2 to 8 cm in diameter. The surface is smooth, evenly colored, may be wet or dry. Color orange, yellow-brown, yellowish-brown.

The stalk is hollow, almost always even, may be smooth or fibrous, the ring is absent. Height – from 3 to 7 cm, diameter – from 0,3 to 1 cm. The color is whitish and reddish, lighter closer to the hat.

Gymnopil disappearing: description and photo

Orange mushroom parasitizes on rotten wood  

The flesh is yellowish or orange, with a pleasant potato smell, bitter taste.

The lamellar layer of a young specimen is reddish or buffy, in a mature specimen it is brownish or orange, sometimes with brown or red-brown spots. The plates are adherent or notched, quite frequent.

Spores are ellipsoid, with warts. Powder brownish-reddish.

Attention! Related species include representatives of the genus Gymnopile: penetrating, Juno and rufosquamulosus. All 3 types are not suitable for human consumption.

Gymnopile penetrating – a fairly common mushroom, similar to the disappearing one. Settles on rotting wood of coniferous trees, prefers pines. The fruiting period is from August to November. The hat reaches a size of 8 cm in diameter. At first it is rounded, then prostrate, reddish-brown, smooth, dry, becoming oily in wet weather. The leg is winding, up to 7 cm in height and up to 1 cm in thickness, the color is the same as the hat, in some places with a whitish coating, without a ring. The pulp is yellowish or light brown, fibrous, elastic, bitter in taste. The plates and spore powder are rusty-brown.

Gymnopil disappearing: description and photo

Gymnopyl penetrating is easily confused with related species

Juno’s hymnopil, or prominent, is an inedible and, according to some, hallucinogenic mushroom. He is quite large, outwardly attractive and photogenic. The hat is orange or yellow-ocher, with wavy edges, covered with many scales. Reaches 15 cm in diameter. In young specimens it has the shape of a hemisphere, in mature specimens it is almost flat. Leg thickened at the base, fibrous. It has a rather dark ring strewn with reddish-rusty spores. The plates are rusty-brown. It occurs in mixed forests throughout Our Country, except for the northern regions. Settles on living and dead wood and on the soil under oaks. Grows in groups, rarely seen alone. The fruiting season is from mid-summer to late autumn.

Gymnopil disappearing: description and photo

Juno’s hymnopil is distinguished by its large size, scaly surface and dark ring on the stem.

Gymnopile rufosquamulosus differs from the disappearing brownish hat covered with small reddish or orange scales, a ring at the top of the stem.

Gymnopil disappearing: description and photo

The specimen has a ring on the stem and reddish scales.

Where the disappearing hymnopile grows

Distributed in North America, mainly in the southern regions. Settles on rotting woody substrate. It occurs most often singly or in small clusters on the remains of coniferous trees, less often broad-leaved ones. Fruiting time begins in August and ends in November.

Is it possible to eat hymnopyl disappearing

It belongs to inedible, is not used for food. There are no data on its toxicity.


The endangered hymnopile is a common but not fully studied species. It is not yet known whether it is poisonous or not, but the flesh has a bitter taste and should not be eaten.

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