Gymnema sylvestra – reduces cravings for sweets
Gymnema sylvestra – reduces cravings for sweets
Gymnema sylvestra - reduces cravings for sweets

Gymnema sylvestre is called the “sugar destroyer” because of its effect on carbohydrate metabolism. It helps to fight diabetes, obesity, because Gymnema is able to suppress the taste of sweet on the tongue for some time. The extract of a forest medicinal plant is obtained from the leaves. The roots are also used in traditional medicine. The most important and active components in Gymnema leaves are saponins.

Saponins are molecules that are involved in the dissolution of oily substances, they are used in the cosmetic, food, and pharmaceutical industries. They lower cholesterol and fight cancer intensively. Saponins can also cause the death of red blood cells. The saponins found in the leaves of the plant (triterpene) are called Gymnemic Acid, which is responsible for blocking the sense of sweetness. Gurmarin is also known for this property, but the peptide only affects rats and has no effect on human sensations. [1]

The main biologically active components of Gymnema:

  • alkaloids;

  • Anthraquinone;

  • Terpenoids;

  • Cardiac glycosides and steroids;

  • Essential oils;

  • Flavonoids are molecules that determine the attractive color of foods.

Benefits for human health

Treats diabetes

Gymnema sylvestra - reduces cravings for sweets

Gymnema sylvestre extract can alleviate the condition of a patient with diabetes, because it combines several important processes: it stimulates the production of insulin from the pancreas, slows down the absorption of glucose in the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the regeneration of individual beta cells and proper storage and use of glucose in a healthy body.

Gymnema 400mg (GS4) in therapy with antidiabetic drugs for 18-20 months has been shown in a clinical study to reduce dosage in patients with type 2 diabetes. Five patients completely and permanently stopped conventional therapy after a medical experiment. [2]

Twenty-seven patients with insulin-dependent diabetes took gymnem sylvestre (27 mg supplement) for 30 months and halved their insulin dose. [3]

In this study, 11 patients with type 2 diabetes took a 1 gram supplement (OSA) for two months and significantly increased their blood insulin levels. [4]

Another experiment showed the effect of 500 mg of ground leaves of the forest Gymnema on the disease. As a result, the glucose level dropped noticeably, no changes were found in the fat level (HDL, LDL, triglycerides, cholesterol). [5]

Promotes weight loss

Gymnema sylvestra - reduces cravings for sweets

Gymnema helps with weight loss, controls cravings for sweets and reduces the absorption of fat and glucose from the intestines. It is worth noting that in a clinical experiment, eleven patients with type 1 diabetes did not notice a weight loss when taking 2 gram of supplement (OSA) for XNUMX months.

The extract of the medicinal plant did not lead to weight loss in normal rats, but markedly stopped the rapid weight gain in obese patients and those rats that ate a lot of fat and carbohydrates.

Fights heart disease

Eating a high fat content is the direct cause of an increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This is a risk factor for hardening and narrowing of the arteries, that is, atherosclerosis, which can lead to coronary heart disease. Gymnema can reduce the level of fat in the blood, namely bad cholesterol. This ability of the plant protects rats on a diet high in fat and obesity from hardening of the arteries and diseases of the heart system. [6]

Acts as an antioxidant

Individual components in the composition of the plant (phenolic compounds) have an antioxidant effect. They reduce and slow down the process of fat oxidation in diabetic rats. In addition, phenolic compounds protect mice from oxidative damage caused by exposure to radiation. [7]

Protects from ulcers

Gymnema has been shown to prevent rats from developing ulcers that were diagnosed after taking aspirin. [8]

Helps with arthritis

Other effects of the leaf extract were also found in the course of the study: relief of the condition and arrest of the development of arthritis caused by taking medications.

Has antimicrobial activity

The cardiac glycosides and flavonoids contained in Gymnema sylvestre are characterized by an excellent antimicrobial effect. The plant extract contributes to the destruction of various pathogenic bacteria: pyogenic streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica, Escherichia and hay coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Candida albicans. [9]

Beneficial effect on the immune system

Gymnema stimulates the immune system and triggers the natural protective reaction of cells to irritating factors.

Included in therapy in the treatment of oncology

Some tests have shown that Gymnema extract helps kill cancers by acting directly on the immune system. Individual cases have shown that the plant does not have a toxic effect and does not stop cell death. [10]

Adverse reactions and possible risks

Gymnema sylvestra - reduces cravings for sweets

  • If you follow the recommended dosage, Gymnema is completely safe for adults.

  • A high dose of the extract (greater than 1 gram) can lower blood sugar to dangerous levels, causing weakness, sudden dizziness, confusion and loss of muscle control.

  • In people with an idiosyncratic reaction, this supplement may cause liver toxicity.

  • On an empty stomach, taking the drug is prohibited, it can cause vomiting, nausea, severe pain in the stomach.

  • Breastfeeding, pregnant women and children should consult their doctor.


For patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, scientists recommend a dosage of 400-500 mg of GS4 daily. In complex therapy, the dosage of insulin and other drugs requires correction. During clinical trials, volunteers consumed 1 gram daily.

Reception impressions

Most often, wild Gymnema extract is used to control the current state of a diabetic patient. Anecdotal reports indicate that the supplement significantly reduces cravings for sugar and sweets. Gymnema also helps control triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

Most of the users were satisfied with the results. Some did not notice a change in blood sugar levels. After the start of taking the extract, some individuals noted an increase in sugar, their amount is the smallest.

Where to buy Gymnema Sylvester?

You can buy gymnem sylvester extract in the form of dietary supplements on the websites:



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