Gymnastics for coronavirus: strengthening the lungs

A study of the symptoms caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus showed that all patients have lower respiratory tract involvement. With a mild form of the disease, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing are observed, with a severe form, the development of pneumonia. Pulmonologists recommend performing special breathing exercises in order to avoid the development of irreversible consequences caused by the pathogen and side effects from medications.

Что это такое и зачем это нужно?

Breathing exercises for coronavirus are necessary to improve oxygen transport to all segments of the lungs and ensure pulmonary ventilation. One of the signs of coronavirus is a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood. Low saturation causes shortness of breath, lack of air, general weakness, dizziness. Breathing exercises help keep saturation at a normal level.

Studies of patients who performed therapeutic exercises showed minor cicatricial changes in the lung tissue. This is of great importance, since large-scale fibrosis phenomena appear with coronavirus. The drugs used cannot stop the replacement of alveolar tissue with connective tissue, so regular breathing exercises are recognized as the main method of preventing fibrosis.

The main goal of therapeutic pulmonary gymnastics is to provide the body with a sufficient amount of oxygen, which is necessary for the brain and the normal functioning of internal organs. During systematic exercises, a rarer, deeper type of breathing is established. Optimal respiratory function restores gas exchange, prevents oxygen loss in the trachea, bronchi and alveoli, deprived of physiological blood supply.

Observations by pulmonologists suggest that pulmonary exercises contribute to the recovery and recovery of patients with COVID-19. To achieve the maximum positive result, an individual complex is compiled.

The effectiveness of gymnastics for the lungs

The main goal of breathing exercises with COVID-19 is to normalize lung ventilation. Special exercises help to increase the volume of incoming oxygen to all lung segments. Thus, there is an increase in saturation, maintaining the maximum possible level of oxygen.

A patient who systematically performs exercises suffers much less from dizziness, less likely to experience shortness of breath, air deficiency, which accompany moderate coronavirus. Doctors have noticed that therapeutic exercises prevent lung tissue fibrosis, which is not amenable to drug exposure. What exactly is fibrosis the most common negative consequence of coronavirus. To restore the normal functioning of the respiratory system, patients require long-term rehabilitation.

Breathing exercises help to increase the volume of the lungs, which ensures the supply of more oxygen to all internal organs, including the brain. Sufficient oxygenation is the key to the quality functioning of all systems. As a result of the full-fledged work of the body, immune properties are activated, resistance to bacterial and viral infections increases. For healthy people, breathing exercises are an excellent preventive measure in the midst of respiratory diseases.

Therapeutic breathing exercises are shown to people regardless of age, gender, physical activity. The complex helps to strengthen the respiratory and axial muscles, facilitates the course of the coronavirus. Even after pneumonia, exercises prevent the development of negative complications, residual effects.


The issue of starting breathing exercises is decided together with the doctor treating the coronavirus. The doctor must exclude possible contraindications:

  • Hypertensive crisis.

  • Mental disorders, manifested in inadequate reactions to the doctor’s instructions, unwillingness to properly perform breathing exercises.

  • Glaucoma.

  • The first 6 months after a heart attack.

  • Neuritis, myositis, in which the patient has difficulty in moving the chest.

  • Heat.

  • Marked dyspnea.

  • Chest pain.

Exercises are prescribed only when the patient’s condition stabilizes. If the patient is in a serious condition, it is possible to perform passive movements that have a therapeutic orientation. Classes are performed under the supervision of medical professionals who, if necessary, provide assistance to the patient.

Breathing exercises for coronavirus at home

The main complex

To perform the exercises, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees. Hands should be lowered down, feet should be at the width of the pelvis. Exercises are performed sequentially, maintaining a calm rhythm of breathing:

  1. Inhale deeply through the nose, while expanding the chest as much as possible. Slowly exhale through the mouth, returning the normal volume of the chest. Repeat 10 times.

  2. Put your hands on your stomach, take a deep breath through your nose, inflating your stomach. Then – a slow exhalation through the mouth, the stomach returns to its original position. Repeat 10 times.

  3. Without changing the starting position, close the hands in the lock. Take a deep breath through your nose and at the same time raise your hands behind your head. When exhaling through the mouth, lower the hands down without opening the lock. Run 10 times.

  4. The starting position remains the same, but the arms are spread apart. Take a deep breath through your nose and wrap your arms around yourself. While exhaling through the mouth, spread your arms to the sides. Repeat 10 times.

  5. Lying on your back with legs bent at the knees, spread your arms to the sides while inhaling with your nose. When exhaling, grasp the knee of the leg and pull it to the chest. While exhaling, lower your leg and spread your arms to the sides. Repeat the same with the other leg. Alternately bending the legs to perform the exercise 10 times.

  6. The starting position is the same, hands down. When inhaling through the nose, the arms are spread apart and raised up. While exhaling, lower your arms down in front of you. Repeat 10 times.

  7. Take a deep breath through your nose and simultaneously raise your arms in front of you and up. When exhaling through the mouth, lower the arms down through the sides. Exercise is done 10 times.

  8. Lie on your side, bend your knees at a right angle, a right angle and at the hip joint relative to the body. The upper arm is extended along the body. When inhaling through the nose, the hand is raised up; when exhaling, it is lowered down. Perform 10 times.

  9. The exercise is similar to the previous one, only when lifting up, the hand is pulled up. Repeat 10 times.

  10. Exercise number 8 and number 9 – repeat 10 times lying on the other side.

  11. Lying on your side with bent legs, the upper arm is extended in front of you. During inhalation through the nose, the hand is pulled back, while turning the upper body. When exhaling, they return to their original position. Perform 10 times on the left and right side.

  12. Get on all fours in the knee-wrist rest. The knees are spaced at the width of the pelvis, the hands are strictly under the shoulder joints, the back is even, without deflection in the lower back. During inhalation through the nose, the back is arched, while exhaling through the mouth, it is returned to a straight position. Repeat 10 times.

  13. In the same starting position, when inhaling with the nose, raise the arm through the side up with the rotation of the torso. During exhalation, the hand is returned down, as if closing. Exercise is performed 10 times with the left and right hand.

  14. Sit on a chair, bend your knees at a right angle, feet shoulder-width apart. The hands are closed in a castle in front of them. While inhaling with the nose, the arms are raised up and stretched. On exhalation, the mouth returns to its original position, slightly rounding the back. Perform 10 times.

  15. Исходное положение как в упражнении №14. Одна рука на бедре. При вдохе носом другую руку поднимают через сторону вверх, слегка наклоняясь в сторону, потягиваясь за поднятой рукой. Пациент должен ощущать, как растягиваются боковые мышцы. Во время выдоха через рот руку опускают вниз, спину выпрямляют. Упражнение выполняют по 10 раз с левой и правой рукой.

  16. The starting position is the same. During inhalation through the nose, the hand is raised in front of you and pulled back through the side, while turning the body behind the hand. On exhalation through the mouth, the hand is returned to its original position, the body is turned straight. Repeat 10 times with each hand.

  17. Starting position – sitting, in the hands – a gymnastic stick. When inhaling with the nose, the hands with the stick are raised up, while exhaling with the mouth, they are lowered down.

  18. Starting position, as in exercise No. 17. The stick is held with the hands at a level wider than the shoulders. When inhaling through the nose, raise the right hand up, slightly lead behind the back. When exhaling through the mouth, they return to their original position. The exercise is repeated 10 times with each hand.

  19. Sitting on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, the gymnastic stick is held with both hands in front of you. On inhalation through the nose, they straighten the back, as if stretching the top of the head up. As you exhale through your mouth, lean forward. Exercise is done 10 times.

During breathing exercises, dizziness is possible. This is a normal occurrence and should not be feared. If you feel dizzy, the exercise is stopped and resumed after stabilization.

[Video] Physiotherapy instructor Svetlana Mikhailova will show you the basic exercises to restore the lungs:

Гимнастику по Бутейко легко выполнять пациентам разных возрастов:

  • Сделать глубокий вдох носом на протяжении 2 секунд.

  • С полной грудью удерживать дыхание 4 секунды.

  • Выполнить медленных выдох ртом в течении 4 секунд.

Упражнения выполняют от 2 до 5 минут. This time is enough to get a feeling of cheerfulness, to normalize proper breathing. The patient should concentrate on the rhythm of breathing, not pay attention to distracting sounds, phenomena. Для получения лечебного эффекта упражнения по Бутейко выполняют каждый день 2-3 раза.

Дыхательная гимнастика Стрельниковой

Gymnastics for coronavirus: strengthening the lungs

Комплекс Стрельниковой известен всем пульмонологам и применяется на практике в нескольких вариантах. Certain types of exercises require significant physical effort and energy, so they cannot be practiced in relation to patients at the peak of coronavirus symptoms. For patients on bed rest, simple exercises are suitable. In the case of pneumonia, daily classes for adults from 5 to 10 minutes are indicated. If the patient feels well, you can extend the session up to 15 minutes. Each exercise is repeated the same number of times. Important! Respiratory gymnastics should be performed with caution in patients with cervical osteochondrosis, vertebral artery syndrome. All head movements are done carefully, when unpleasant exercises appear, classes are stopped. Exercise “Ears” . The patient lies on his back and tilts his head so that his ear touches his shoulder. While tilting the head, take a deep breath through the nose. When the head returns to its original position, exhale slowly through the mouth. The exercise is repeated alternately to the left and right shoulder. Exercise “Rolls” . The patient lies on his back. With a deep and slow breath through the nose, the chest is lifted, filled with air. Во время выдоха через рот грудь опускается. The next breath is performed with simultaneous inflation of the abdomen – abdominal type of breathing. The change of thoracic and abdominal breathing contributes to the expansion of the lungs, an increase in their volume. Change of rhythm . The patient alternately takes breaths through the nose of different depths and durations. The sequence does not matter, but promotes ventilation of the respiratory system. It is important to monitor the patient’s condition, stop the exercise if dizziness occurs. Exercise “Turns” . Designed for active lung training. In the supine position, the patient turns his head to the left, then to the right. While turning to the side, take a deep breath through the nose, when returning to the starting position, exhale through the mouth. [Video] Exercises of the “main” complex of Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises. Demonstrates Dr. M.N.

NOT breathing exercises for the lungs

Exercises that are usually recommended for cervical osteochondrosis may be useful for lung recovery. The most popular of them:

  • Starting position – sitting on a chair, you should raise your arms in front of you and slightly bend at the elbows. During inhalation, the arms are spread apart, while exhaling, they are returned to the position in front of you. The exercise is performed quite slowly, without sudden movements. Repeat 5-8 times.

  • The starting position is the same. Hands spread apart on the exhale. During inhalation, the hands are returned to the position in front of you. Do 3 repetitions. If during the exercise the patient feels a deterioration in his condition, he is skipped.

  • Starting position – sitting on a chair, arms spread apart, palms down. On inhalation, the arms are slightly raised, while turning the palms up, straightening the chest. During exhalation, the chest descends, the hands return to their original position, relax. Repeat 5-8 times.

  • The patient also sits on a chair, hands on the belt. During inhalation, the elbows are pulled back, the shoulder blades are brought together. When exhaling, the arms return to their original position. Spend 5-8 repetitions.

  • The patient sits on a chair with his arms straight in front of him. During inhalation, both hands are raised up, while exhaling, they are smoothly lowered down. Repeat 5-8 times.

  • The exercise is similar to the previous one. The difference is that during inhalation, the arms rise up and an additional breath is taken at the maximum point. When lowering the hands down, exhale completely. Perform 3 times.

  • Sitting on a chair, you should relax the muscles of the arms, neck, and back. A breath is taken through the nose, the patient mentally counts up to 2 or up to 3. Then the lips close and a calm exhalation is carried out with a count of up to 4 or up to 6. After 2-3 repetitions, the exercise is somewhat changed – exhalation is done through a fist raised to the mouth. Perform about 5 minutes.

The complex is performed 1-2 times a day, but not after meals. To achieve a therapeutic effect, classes are carried out daily or every other day.

[Видео] 5 упражнений для восстановления после вируса, бронхита, воспаления лёгких, ХОБЛ, при одышке и при дыхательной недостаточности:

Practical tips for recovering the body after COVID-19

  1. You should not be afraid of temperature fluctuations after the normalization of the general condition. Changes occur due to the adaptation of thermoregulation and can be observed within 1-2 months after the disappearance of the main symptoms.

  2. To restore normal thermoregulation, you should increase physical activity, spend more time in the air – walk, run.

  3. It takes time to restore the sense of smell. Gradually, the receptors restore the ability to perceive odors. If you want to speed up the process of returning the sense of smell, perform inhalations with a solution of eucalyptus. To prepare an inhalation solution, take 100-150 ml of boiled water and add 15-20 drops of eucalyptus solution. Over the dishes with a hot solution, inhaler or nebulizer inhaler breathe for 15-20 minutes.

  4. To cleanse the upper respiratory tract and lungs, inhalations with saline are used through a nebulizer. Procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day.

  5. Perform regular instillation of the nose with saline, 1-2 drops. After 5-7 minutes, you need to blow your nose.

  6. For instillation of the nose, you can prepare a solution: 250 ml of water, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 drop of iodine. The nose is buried for several days in a row, which helps to restore the sense of smell.

  7. Restoration of the body helps the intake of B vitamins in the form of multivitamin complexes.

  8. Performing non-breathing exercises to restore the normal functioning of muscles, internal organs and muscles.

  9. Do not neglect breathing exercises, which restore the respiratory function of the lungs.

  10. Eat enough animal fats – at least 20 g of 82% butter or a small piece of bacon per day.

[Video] Dr. Evdokimenko – how to restore the sense of smell, temperature, lungs, remove shortness of breath, weakness:

Витамины. Пациенту с коронавирусом необходимо ежедневно принимать витамины группы В и витамин С. Active substances help fight infection, restore lung function. Water. Of great importance in the normalization of pulmonary function is the drinking regimen. Sufficient fluid intake (tea, water, decoctions) is favorable for the vital activity of the alveolar tissue. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to drink 1-1,5 liters of warm water per day. Dream. To ensure a high quality of immunity, it is important to provide yourself with good sleep. Healthy sleep is the key to a normal hormonal background, a healthy psyche and full-fledged immunity. Stress. The main prevention of coronavirus is to eliminate stress factors. A healthy body, without chronic stress, is least affected by pathogenic agents. With chronic fears, depressive disorders, the stress hormone is released, which weakens the protective functions of the body. В разгар пандемии COVID-19 следует оградить себя от негативных новостей и событий, которые могут вызвать повышенную восприимчивость к возбудителю инфекции.

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