Gymnastics for children 2 3 years old: morning and breathing

Gymnastics for children 2-3 years old will help the correct physical development. Immunity, as well as the emotional state of the baby, directly depends on this. By learning which exercises are useful for children two and three years of age, you can teach them to your child.

Classes are held before breakfast. In this case, the child should be dressed in loose clothing. Nothing should hinder his movements. A simple set of exercises will give you a boost of vivacity for the whole day.

Gymnastics for children 2-3 years old promotes proper physical development.

Two and three year olds love to play. Therefore, gymnastics should take place in a playful way. You can also turn on music.

Simple exercises:

  • “We stretched sweetly.” The child stands on his legs and straightens the back. After that, he raises his hands up, thereby reaching for the sky. The main thing during this exercise is to breathe correctly. When the arms are raised to the top, a breath is taken. Go down – exhale. This exercise is also called “Butterfly”.
  • “The butterfly spread its wings.” The baby’s arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are on the shoulders. It is necessary to make rotational movements with your hands in one direction and then in the other direction.
  • “Slopes”. The child stands upright, his feet are shoulder-width apart. He first bends to one side, while not bending his arms at the elbows. Then – to another. The exercise is called “Swing” in another way.
  • “We ran.” The kid should run in place, raising his knees high. All children enjoy this kind of entertainment.
  • “Inhale – Exhale.” This exercise completes the complex. The child gently raises his hands up. At this time, he takes a breath. Then he lowers them – exhales.

As a rule, getting to do morning exercises is much more difficult for an adult. A two or three year old child is always ready for such loads. Especially if they are played in a playful way.

Oxygen enters the human body through proper breathing. That is why it is necessary to teach the child to do exercises that develop breathing.

Here are a few of them:

  • “Breathe in – Breathe out.” The child is in a lying position. He takes a breath, while his chest should rise, not his stomach. Then he holds his breath a little. After that, he exhales, the chest drops, and the stomach rises. This is teaching correct breathing.
  • “Fly of butterfly”. To do this, you need to cut a butterfly out of paper and attach it to a thread. Mom or dad take the thread in their hands and show the baby how to blow on the butterfly to make it fly. The child must repeat their actions.
  • “Tube”. A small diameter tube is made of paper. Small light objects are placed on the table. The child must knock them down by blowing into the tube. In this case, you need to carefully monitor your breathing. Inhalation should be accompanied by an elevation of the chest.

Such gymnastics is especially relevant for children who often suffer from respiratory diseases – bronchitis, tonsillitis, as well as asthmatics.

It is necessary to recharge every day. The child is interested in such entertainment. With their help, his body will develop correctly, as well as breathing. And this in the future will be the key to the excellent health of the baby.

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