Gymnastic wheel: a set of exercises. Video

Gymnastic wheel: a set of exercises. Video

The gymnastic wheel for the press (aka the gymnastic roller) is a small simulator with which you can achieve great success in strengthening the press in a short time. When performing several exercises of the same type, the muscles of the press, hips and buttocks receive a powerful load, as a result of which a sculpted body is formed. The list of gymnastic wheel exercises is small, but each one is extremely effective.

Gymnastic wheel: how to practice

The gymnastic wheel cannot be underestimated just because of its small size. Yes, many modern simulators impress with their size and versatility, but often the effectiveness of training devices does not depend at all on their complexity. Not all of them can provide such quick and visible results that a simple gymnastic wheel gives. At the same time, there are a number of general rules, without which it will be difficult to achieve efficiency.

These are the rules:

  • when exercising with the wheel, be sure to control your breathing
  • while inhaling, tilt your torso forward, while exhaling, return to the starting position
  • place your body parallel to the floor, resting on your socks, and hold the wheel with your hands
  • in order to facilitate training and not overstrain the muscles, at first, first kneel down and from this position move forward as much as possible, and only after a while you can start the exercises with the socks on the floor
  • do not train with a wheel without a mat
  • before starting exercises and pumping the press, be sure to do a warm-up

Get on your knees with a distance of 10-15 cm between them. Take a gymnastic wheel in your hands, place it at your knees and slowly begin to move it forward, stretching your whole body behind it. Return to the starting position by rolling the wheel to your knees.

You can make the exercise easier by doing it with your legs resting on the wall, or by making movements of a smaller amplitude.

Do 10-15 times in 3 sets. Over time, increase the load with each set.

Get on your knees with the gym wheel in your hands. Lower it to the floor near your knees. Place both hands on the wheel handles and begin to slowly move it forward and at the same time tilt your body until your chest touches your thighs. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

Lie on the mat with your stomach down with your arms extended forward with the gym wheel. Begin to bring the wheel closer to you, while arching your back, but not lifting your legs off the floor. Move the wheel as close to you as you can. At the critical point, fix the position for 3-5 seconds and return to the starting position. Try to do this exercise at least 10 times.

Sit on the floor: keep your back straight, stretch your legs forward without bending your knees. Place the gym wheel to your right. Then put your hands on it and start rolling it to the right until your chest touches the floor. Return to the starting position slowly and smoothly. Move the wheel to your left and repeat on the left side. Do it 10 times in each direction.

With this exercise, you will perfectly work out the oblique abdominal muscles, which form a flat stomach and a beautiful waistline.

Sit on the floor with your knees bent. Place the gym wheel under your feet. Begin to slowly straighten your knees (feet “ride” on the wheel). Straighten your knees until your chest touches them. Only then return to the starting position. This is a very difficult exercise, it is not possible to do it right away, it is necessary to show perseverance and the will to achieve the result – to obtain a relief beautiful body. Do 10 times in 2 sets.

Starting position – standing: feet at shoulder level, straight, gymnastic wheel in hands. Lower the wheel to the floor in front of you. Having made an emphasis on it with your hands, start smoothly and slowly move it forward. Roll the wheel as much as you can, lock in the final position for 3-5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

How to Enhance the Effect of Wheel Exercises

You can significantly enhance the effect and bring the result closer – a slender, beautiful body, if, in parallel with training, you organize the right diet for yourself.

Recommended diets – kefir and kefir-apple

The first is short-term, it is carried out in order to get rid of excess fluid in the body and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and involves the use of one kefir for three days, after which other products are added to the diet. The second diet lasts a week and includes 1 liter of kefir and 1,5-2 kg of green apples in the daily diet (it is not forbidden to drink still mineral water and unsweetened green tea).

The next way to improve the results of training with the gymnastic wheel is to take a daily water treatment. This can be swimming in the pool and in open natural reservoirs, contrast and circular showers, hydromassage, dousing with water, etc. Water perfectly tones the body, helps burn fat and shape a beautiful body.

Gymnastic wheel: a set of exercises

Massage is another way to enhance the effects of wheel training. All types of massage are suitable: classic, acupressure, sports, restorative, hardware, incl. vacuum roller, etc.

You can visit a professional massage therapist, or you can do the massage yourself with the help of massagers, which today are presented in a wide range on the shelves of specialized health stores.

According to the fans of the gymnastic wheel, the classes may seem heavy at first, but persistent and regular training gives simply amazing results. And if you develop an integrated approach that includes diet, water treatments, massage and a positive attitude, the effect will be very long-lasting. Your figure will once and almost forever acquire harmony and beauty.

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel are contraindicated for people who have problems with the spine, suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, as well as who have recently undergone surgery or have received serious injuries.

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