A special slang enters the life of most women even during pregnancy, along with hotties, pregnant women and paunchy.
With the advent of the baby, the woman changes. It changes a lot. Sometimes she herself does not realize how much. Now her life revolves around a new person 24 hours a day, she begins to speak in children’s language using only diminutive words and plunges into the world of young mothers in playgrounds, on “mother’s” sites and social networks.
Having got into specialized groups for the first time, a person is lost from the amount of information and opinions, the language with which all this is presented. Now, as in the best dictionaries of the Russian language, we will try to explain the terms, their meanings, and most importantly – who to listen to and which discussions to avoid.
A special slang enters the life of most women even during pregnancy, along with hotties, pregnant women and paunchy. But it is with the birth of a child that any mother will inevitably plunge into the fascinating world of abbreviations, specialists and adepts.
Abbreviations and terms
First, there are simple terms that do not require special explanations and do not cause fierce disputes: Re – child, SS – joint sleep (mother and child on the same bed), anniversary – the first birthday of the child.
Now for the tricky terms. Let us analyze them objectively, without attracting emotions and other mi-mi-mi as a conviction.
HB – breastfeeding. The World Health Organization recommends starting it in the first 60 minutes after birth and feeding exclusively with breast milk for up to six months. Leading experts recommend introducing complementary foods no earlier than six months, while maintaining breastfeeding for as long as possible – preferably up to two years.
Breast milk is ideal for a baby as it contains a maximum of nutrients. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are necessary for full development and are contained in breast milk in optimal proportions. Breast milk enhances the natural defense mechanisms of the baby’s body and is easily absorbed.
IV – artificial feeding: feeding the baby with breast milk substitutes, formula.
There are a number of reasons that can prevent a mother from feeding her baby with her milk. These are physiological reasons: infectious diseases or psychological problems (stress, postpartum depression) of the mother, taking medications that are incompatible with breastfeeding, or metabolic disorders in the child.
One of the most essential macro- and micronutrients for humans is protein. It is a key factor in human growth, development and health. Proteins are composed of 21 amino acids, some of which are synthesized by the human body, while others enter the human body through nutrition. In the case of infants, together in breast milk or formula.
In breast milk, protein is contained in the optimal amount – about 1 g per 100 ml. In a cow, for example, it is 3-4 times more. For a long time, the manufacturers of mixtures could not achieve compliance in terms of the quantity and quality of protein. But today there are mixtures on the market that are maximally adapted to the needs of babies of different ages, including in terms of protein content. In mixtures of the latest generation, the amount of protein is slightly more than 1 g per 100 milliliters, which is almost identical to its content in mother’s milk. They also worked on the quality of the protein: today the protein of the mixtures contains all the essential amino acids necessary for the harmonious growth and development of babies.
CB – mixed feeding: the child feeds both on mother’s milk and adapted formulas. This type of feeding can be established, for example, when a mother needs to go to work or school, and constant pumping is impossible for some reason. Experts advise not to stop breastfeeding for as long as possible and select mixtures that, in terms of their composition, including the amount of protein, correspond as much as possible to breast milk.
Whom and when to listen to a young mother?
In recent decades, controversy about breastfeeding or not breastfeeding has flared up on all international and Russian Internet spaces and on social networks. Young, and especially inexperienced mothers are lost under the pressure of all sides: the pros and cons do not love each other so much that it turns out to be difficult to understand the problem.
Leading experts and psychologists advise: if you want to feed, feed. This is really useful and necessary for the child. Find a doctor or breastfeeding specialist who will help you set it up and explain how, when, what to eat, and many other nuances.
If for some reason you are not able to feed, also look for a specialist. He will help you understand the situation, if necessary, pick up the mixture and will observe you and the child.
Look for objective information and, if possible, do not enter into discussions and disputes that will only spoil your mood. With information, it is always possible to make an adequate choice and not regret it.
Be healthy! TTT (pah-pah-pah, as they say now).