Gusha Ussuriyskaya: description, photo, reviews

Ussuri pear is an excellent option for growing in cold climates. It is used as a rootstock for other varieties. The tree is unpretentious, develops well with minimal care. The fruits are used in cooking.

Description of the Ussuri pear

The Ussuri pear is a representative of the genus Pear, the Pink family. It occurs naturally in the Far East, the Korean Peninsula and China. It grows singly or in groups near rivers, on islands, mountain slopes and forest edges. Under good conditions, it reaches 10 – 12 m, the trunk diameter is 50 cm.

Usually the tree grows up to 10 – 15 m. The bark is uneven, dark gray, almost black. Shoots are bare, yellow-gray. The roots are located in the upper layers of the soil and do not penetrate deeper than 1 m. The crown is wide, oblong, thickened. The leaf plate is ovate with a rounded base, the edges are serrate. The leaves are dark green and glossy above, lighter and dull below. In autumn they turn crimson red.

Flowering begins before foliage appears and lasts 7 days. Flowers 3 cm in size, white, resistant to frost. Pollination occurs at the expense of another tree, so single plants do not produce a crop. The flowers have a pronounced fragrant aroma.

You can evaluate the appearance and features of the Ussuri pear variety in the photo:

Gusha Ussuriyskaya: description, photo, reviews

Characteristics of pear fruit

Fruiting begins in late August and September. Ussuri pear ripens in bunches of 5-10 pcs. The fruits are medium in size, yellow in color with a purple blush. The shape is round or oblong, the taste is tart. The pulp is rich in vitamins and organic acids. The average weight is 50 – 70 g, the maximum is 90 g.

The pear is suitable for consumption after a long maturation. The fruits are processed: dried, jam, compotes, tea are prepared.

Pros and cons of the Ussuri pear variety

Ussuri pear has a number of advantages:

  1. Frost resistance. The culture is grown in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East. The tree tolerates frosts down to -40 ° C without problems. Minor damage is observed when the temperature drops to -50 °C.
  2. Unpretentiousness. It grows in almost any soil, tolerates excess moisture and drought.
  3. Durability. In gardens, the life span is up to 80 years, in natural conditions – up to 200 years.
  4. Productivity. Although the fruits are small, the crop brings a high yield.
  5. Wide variety of varieties. On the basis of the Ussuri species, more than 30 hybrids have been obtained. They are characterized by high frost resistance and productivity.
  6. Decorative. A flowering tree looks spectacular in the garden. The crown looks like a ball, consisting of beautiful white flowers.

When planting the Ussuri species, its shortcomings are taken into account:

  • Low precocity. The first harvest from the Ussuri pear is obtained after 10 years. To shorten this period, the culture is provided with constant care.
  • Presentation of fruits. The variety does not have a dessert purpose. Its fruits are small, have a sour and tart taste.

Gusha Ussuriyskaya: description, photo, reviews

Using the Ussuri pear as a rootstock

The stock of the Ussuri pear is valued for its winter hardiness and durability. However, it is poorly compatible with varieties derived from the common pear. Hybrids derived from the Ussuri pear species take root best of all: Severyanka, Long-awaited, Early summer, Uralochka. As a result, the tree yields earlier, the taste and quality of the fruit improves.

Important! The Ussuri pear is grafted before bud break. It is allowed to transfer the procedure to the second half of the summer.

For vaccination use one of the methods:

  • In the cleavage. Suitable for cases where the stock is much larger than the scion.
  • Behind the bark. Used when the scion is smaller than the size of the rootstock.
  • Budding. Single bud grafting method.

The vaccine is disinfected with garden pitch to protect against diseases and pests. The scion is attached with tape and a plastic bag.

Optimal growing conditions

The Ussuri pear is unpretentious to environmental factors. For successful cultivation of culture, a number of conditions are provided:

  • sunny place without shade;
  • moderately fertile soils;
  • lack of stagnant water;
  • the supply of fertilizers.

For planting the Ussuri Pear, choose a flat or elevated area. Landing in the middle of the slope is allowed. The soil should be drained, well pass water and air. Stagnation of water in the soil is detrimental to the plant.

Gusha Ussuriyskaya: description, photo, reviews

Planting and caring for the Ussuri pear

The further development of the Ussuri pear depends on the correct planting. Throughout the season, attention is paid to the tree: they provide the supply of moisture, nutrients, and the formation of a crown.

Rules of landing

Ussuri pear is planted in spring or autumn. Choose plants no older than 1 – 2 years. A landing hole is dug under the pear, which is left for 2-3 weeks to shrink. For spring work, the pit is prepared in the fall.

The order of planting the Ussuri pear in the garden:

  1. First, they dig a hole 60×60 cm in size and 70 cm deep.
  2. If the soil contains clay, a layer of rubble is poured onto the bottom.
  3. Then a substrate is prepared from chernozem, humus, 200 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium salt.
  4. The pit is filled with soil mixture and a small hill is formed.
  5. The plant is planted, its roots are covered with earth.
  6. The soil is compacted, and the pear is watered.

After planting, the soil under the seedling is mulched with humus. At first, the tree is watered every 1 – 2 weeks.

Watering and top dressing

The Ussuri pear is watered before and after flowering. Lack of moisture during this period leads to shedding of ovaries and reduced yields. Then the tree is watered only during the drought period.

Advice! After watering, the pears loosen the soil and mulch it with peat or humus.

The Ussuri pear tree responds positively to the supply of fertilizers. In early spring, nitrogenous substances are introduced: a solution of mullein, urea, ammonium nitrate. When fruit is set, they switch to fertilizing with superphosphate and potassium salt. Fertilizers are embedded in the soil or added to water before watering.

Gusha Ussuriyskaya: description, photo, reviews


The first three years after planting, it is important for a seedling to form a crown. Several skeletal branches are selected, the rest are cut off. Be sure to eliminate dry, broken, frozen shoots. The procedure is carried out during a period when the trees do not have active sap flow. Garden var is applied to the cuts.


Whitewashing is performed in late autumn, so that in the spring, under the rays of the sun, the bark does not get burned. The procedure protects the tree from the spread of pests. Whitewashing is repeated in the spring. Use a solution of lime and clay or buy ready-made compositions.

Preparation for winter

The Ussuri pear tolerates even harsh winters well. Preparation for cold weather includes abundant watering and mulching of the soil with humus or peat. Young seedlings are covered with agrofiber for the winter. It is attached to a wooden frame.

For fruit trees in winter, rodents are dangerous: hares and mice. To protect the bark from pests, use a metal casing or mesh. The tree trunk is also wrapped with spunbond.


Pear trees require a pollinator to bear fruit. Trees are planted at a distance of 3 – 4 m. The main condition is simultaneous flowering. The process of pollination is influenced by weather factors: warm weather, lack of rain, cooling, strong wind.

A pollinator is not required if different varieties are grafted into the crown of the tree. Then, when flowering, they will pollinate and produce a crop.


The Ussuri pear is distinguished by high yields. Up to 70 kg of fruits are harvested from one tree. The yield is stable from year to year. Fruiting begins from 9 – 10 years. To speed up this process, other varieties are grafted into the crown. Then the fruits ripen for 5 – 6 years. To increase productivity, regular care is required: watering, top dressing, crown pruning.

Gusha Ussuriyskaya: description, photo, reviews

Diseases and pests

Most often, the culture suffers from scab. The disease has the appearance of dark spots that appear on leaves, shoots, flowers and fruits. Gradually, the degree of damage increases, leading to drying of the shoots and damage to the crop. Bordeaux liquid is used to combat scab. In early spring, preventive treatments begin with preparations containing copper.

For a pear, black cancer and cytosporosis are dangerous. Diseases are spread by a harmful fungus that affects the bark, leaves and fruits. Good prevention is timely watering, fertilizing, whitewashing the trunk, cleaning autumn foliage.

Advice! Chemicals are not used before harvesting.

Fruit trees are susceptible to attack by mites, aphids, bark beetles, leafworms and other pests. Insecticides work well against insects: Karbofos, Iskra, Akarin, Metaphos.

Preventive work is effective: cleaning fallen leaves, cleaning the trunk, digging the soil under the tree.

Ussuri pear recipes

Ussuri pear is perfect for canning. Both recently harvested and ripe fruits are used. The most popular blanks are compote, jam and jam.

Ingredients for pear compote:

  • unripe dense pears for filling a three-liter jar;
  • sugar – 500 g;
  • water – 1,5 l.

Detailed compote recipe:

  1. The fruits are washed and blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Then mix the fruit in a jar.
  3. Water is put on the fire and sugar is poured.
  4. When the syrup boils, it is removed from the fire and poured over the fruits.
  5. The jars are covered with lids and placed in a pot of water for pasteurization.
  6. The containers are sealed and cooled.

Gusha Ussuriyskaya: description, photo, reviews

Jam is a dessert consisting of boiled pieces of fruit. In addition to pears, lemon juice, nuts, and other fruits are added to the mass.

Pear Jam Ingredients:

  • dense pears – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1,6 kg;
  • water – 2,5 cups.

The procedure for making jam:

  1. The peel is removed from the fruits, then they are cut into slices.
  2. The pieces are placed in a saucepan and poured with cold water.
  3. The mass is boiled until softened.
  4. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. The syrup is brought to a boil.
  5. Fruits are dipped in hot syrup and boiled until tender.
  6. Jam is laid out in jars for the winter.

Jam is a homogeneous mass with grated fruits. To taste, apples, nuts, honey are added to the blanks.

Jam Ingredients:

  • ripe pears – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1,2 kg;
  • water – 4 cups.

Jam Recipe:

  1. Ripe fruits are washed and cut into slices. The seed box is removed. The pear is placed on a blanching net.
  2. Water is poured into the pan, the grid is lowered and put on fire.
  3. When the fruits become soft, they are passed through a sieve.
  4. The resulting mass is put on fire and sugar is gradually added.
  5. The jam is boiled until done.

To check how the jam was prepared, take one drop. If it does not spread, it’s time to preserve the blanks.

Gusha Ussuriyskaya: description, photo, reviews

Reviews of the Ussuri pear

Vasilenko Ivan Petrovich, 58 years old, Tomsk
For many years, the Ussuri pear has been growing on the site. I tried to plant other varieties of this crop, but in our climate they did not take root well. I think that this is one of the best options for Siberia. The tree is not afraid of frosts, floods and cold snaps in spring. The fruits are not very large, harsh and tart in taste. If they lie down in the warmth, they ripen and become suitable for use. However, these shortcomings are compensated by a plentiful harvest. Basically, the harvest goes to home-made preparations: jam and compotes.
Sorokina Daria Viktorovna, 45 years old, Chelyabinsk
It is not easy to grow a pear in the Urals, so you have to use a vaccine. After a long study of the information, Ussuri stocks were chosen. The varieties Severyanka and Raduzhnaya were grafted to it. The first crop was harvested after 4 years. The northern woman brought two dozen fruits, sweet in taste, but not very large. Rainbow without problems bears fruit for more than 5 years. The yield is good, the shoots do not freeze in winter, like many own-rooted varieties. The trees have already grown up to 3 m. We constantly take care of the garden: we water it, we feed it with fertilizers, we cut the crown.

Gusha Ussuriyskaya: description, photo, reviews


Ussuri pear is suitable for growing in cold regions. It is planted for the sake of the fruits that go for processing. Another direction was the use of the Ussuri pear as a rootstock.

Ussuri pear # description, planting methods and care

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