Guppies in the aquarium: maintenance and care. Video

Guppies in the aquarium: maintenance and care. Video

Guppies are one of the most common aquarium fish. They are very peaceful, unpretentious, easy to maintain. It is not surprising that these are the ones that beginner aquarists often decide to start. But, having come to a pet store to buy guppies, they often cannot resist the temptation at the sight of goggle-eyed handsome telescopes and also buy these ornamental fish. Like, it’s okay, somehow they will get along in the same aquarium. The result is often disastrous.

Guppies in the aquarium: maintenance and care

What are the optimal conditions for keeping guppies in an aquarium?

Aquarium fish such as guppies feel most comfortable in water with a temperature of 24–26 ° С. At higher temperatures, their life expectancy is sharply reduced, and at temperatures below 18 ° C, their reproductive function ceases, they may even die. Guppies are omnivorous, consume many types of small food. However, adults need 1-2 fasting days a week (on these days, food must be completely excluded from the fish diet).

These small, calm and peaceful fish prefer to live in the upper layers of the water.

They do not tolerate loneliness, so at least a couple of guppies should be introduced into the aquarium. For one pair of adults, a volume of 10 liters is quite enough. But it is better, of course, that the aquarium was more spacious. It should not contain a lot of plants and decorative accessories so that the fish have enough room to swim.

Telescope fish: how to keep it

The very name of this beautiful ornamental fish speaks of its main feature: huge bulging eyes. Another feature is the curvy, veiled fins, especially the caudal fins. The most common telescope fish is black.

The telescope, unlike the guppy, prefers to swim in the middle layers of the water or at the very bottom. He feels most comfortable at a cooler temperature – from 20 to 23 ° C. In addition, he needs much more food compared to guppies, so some aquarists are afraid whether it is possible to keep these fish together, whether the voracious telescope will eat its small neighbor. But these fears are purely theoretical.

But for fry, the telescope is really dangerous, so pregnant female guppies must be removed in a timely manner.

Telescopes need a lot of water, about 50 liters per adult. Therefore, in no case should you put the telescope in a small aquarium designed for guppies! This blunder is often made by inexperienced aquarists when buying fish. As a result, both guppies and telescopes can get sick or even die.

Due to its excellent appetite, this fish quickly contaminates the aquarium, therefore it is necessary to clean the aquarium more often and equip it with an effective aeration system.

Avoid using sharp-edged objects in aquarium design that could damage the eyes or the veiled fins of telescopes. Better to give up aquarium accessories altogether.

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