Gum problems are erection problems

Men with chronic periodontal diseases are three times more likely to have erection problems. And it’s already before forty. Microdamage to the gums is also conducive to infections during oral sex, including the HPV virus, which is the cause of throat cancers.

  1. – Oral hygiene and health can translate into intimate contacts. There are many studies confirming such a relationship, among others with gum disease. They have a real impact on this sphere of life and can lead to various sexual disorders – says dentist Marcin Kopećz at the Stankowscy & Białach Stomatologia clinic.
  2. Two in five Americans do not want a second date if the first date shows the other person has crooked teeth – this is the result of a Kelton Research study. Poles are not as vain as Americans, but the condition of the teeth is sometimes the reason for the lack of sex, albeit for reasons other than aesthetics. According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, in men with periodontal diseases the probability of problems with erection increases threefold
  3. The oral mucosa with erosions, cuts and wounds, e.g. with gingivitis, is also a greater risk of contracting HPV, says dentist Marcin Kopeć. This happens, for example, during oral sex. And this virus can cause cancer of the mouth and throat

Erectile dysfunction can be associated with a variety of risk factors, such as low testosterone levels, diabetes, smoking, stress, diet, obesity and aging, but it can also be a consequence of poor oral hygiene.

Scientists from China decided to analyze the topic of gum health and sexual life of men of different ages. According to a study conducted at Guangzhou Medical University, men with chronic gum disease are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. This problem was especially true for men under the age of 40 or men aged 60 and over. According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, men with periodontal disease are three times more likely to have erection problems.

How does this happen? Advanced gum infections can lead to abnormalities in the blood vessels, resulting in blood flow, including to the genitals is difficult and an erection is impossible. It is comforting that periodontal therapy helps to get rid of potency problems.

– It is worth making patients realize that not only stress or general diseases can affect sexual function, but also what probably would not be on the list of suspicions, i.e. oral health. Unfortunately, according to the American Academy of Periodontology, the risk of periodontitis in men is higher and amounts to about 56 percent. Men smoke more often, visit the dentist less often and care less about oral hygiene, and these are the main causes of gum problems – Dr. Kopeć. 

She adds: – Regular brushing, flossing and tartar removal in the office not only reduces the risk of, e.g. stroke, heart attack, type 2 diabetes, pancreatic cancer or respiratory diseases. With better overall health, we can engage more energetically with other aspects of life, including those related to our bedroom.

Another serious problem indirectly related to the health of the gums is the increase in the incidence of throat and laryngeal cancer all over the world, also in Poland. The National Cancer Registry reports that the number of cases has increased by 20 percent over the past dozen or so years. Every year, 11 thousand people are detected in Poland. new cases, six thousand people die. That’s more than killed in road accidents every year. A similar trend is observed across Europe.

Until recently, it was believed that elderly men who smoke and drink large amounts of alcohol are the most at risk of mouth and throat cancer. However, young men and women joined this group. The HPV virus that is transmitted in the course of oral sex is to blame. The virus can also enter the body through undamaged mucosa, but for obvious reasons, diseased gums make it easier for him. Although it is said that having a large number of sexual partners is a greater risk of infection, the truth is, however, the truth is that it is enough to have one who is unknowingly carrying HPV, especially its oncogenic strain, i.e. 16 or 18 to become infected. 

When it comes to prophylaxis – we are left with loyalty and immunization against HPV. It can also be done in adulthood, but before that, it is worth doing a test to check whether we are already infected with this virus. Most of us fight it on its own within two years of being infected. Only the infection persists can lead to the development of the tumor.  

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