Guidelines for the treatment of prostatitis Table of contents

  1. Why clinics do not cure prostatitis (about how money is pulled from patients in clinics, how the average urologist visit goes, and why people return to doctors again and again).
  2. Male reproductive system (you should know it).
  3. What is prostatitis, chronic prostatitis and adenoma (the nature of these diseases and their difference).
  4. Why is prostatitis dangerous? (the deplorable consequences of the long running of the disease).
  5. Causes and signs of prostatitis.
  6. Diagnostics and treatment of venereal infections (how to correctly identify the causes that caused prostatitis in each case. Specific recipes and methods for eliminating various infections are given).
  7. Diagnosis and treatment of bacteria (the main causative agents of bacterial prostatitis).
  8. Treatment of prostatitis and chronic prostatitis (directly actions for the treatment of prostatitis, specific recipes and methods are also given).
  9. How to behave at the doctor’s office (if you got an appointment, then you need to know how to get a full examination and treatment from the doctor, otherwise you will lose time and money).
  10. Prevention of prostatitis (what to do and what not to do so that prostatitis does not reappear).
  11. If you cannot conceive a child (a few tips on how to fix an unstarted situation).
  12. Fathers raising sons (Let’s tell our sons about this! Let them not repeat our mistakes).
  13. Afterword

Read the methodology. Chapter 1 >> Why they don’t treat in clinics – how clinics take money from patients, how a regular urologist’s appointment goes, and why people return to doctors again and again. How to understand that you are led by the nose …

The main thing that this technique gives

complete and system information, HOW TO TREAT PROSTATITIS CORRECTLYto cope with the disease.

This material save you tens of thousands of dollars and help to overcome the disease and get back your sexual power.

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