Guided meditation Why it is so necessary to get angry once in a while

Guided meditation Why it is so necessary to get angry once in a while

The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, explains in this guided meditation session why it can be harmful for us to control anger or anger

Guided meditation Why it is so necessary to get angry once in a whilePM7:51

Socially, there are “Sweetened emotions”, those emotions that we sweeten so that they seem, in the sight of others, softer or sweeter, but do we really know the result of masking or controlling our emotions?

When we pretend control anger or anger This does not disappear but, little by little, it can increase until you neglect yourself, explode in the most unexpected situations or even with the most trusted people. The control will make them appear and express themselves with greater intensity because every repressed emotion struggles to be heard.

It is for this reason that we dedicate this week’s meditation to anger because it will be better to listen to us, attend to us, validate our emotions and learn to explore them in order to navigate them in the healthiest way. Because since we are not perfect, let’s learn to accompany each other in what we like the most and what we like least. Happy meditation.

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