- Guided meditation Tell me how you feel at home and I will tell you what meditation you need
- Isolation or confinement at home due to the threat of Covid-19 causes anxiety in many people. The mindfulness expert Belén Colomina teaches in her guided meditations to train the mind to achieve emotional balance
- If you have a hard time sleeping
- If you get overwhelmed because of work
- If you feel that you demand too much of yourself
- If you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel
- If your block prevents you from thinking clearly
- If you fear that your relationship will suffer
- If you feel guilty for not caring for your family
Guided meditation Tell me how you feel at home and I will tell you what meditation you need
Isolation or confinement at home due to the threat of Covid-19 causes anxiety in many people. The mindfulness expert Belén Colomina teaches in her guided meditations to train the mind to achieve emotional balance

It’s not being easy, is it? A few days you suffer the Vertigo that produces knowing the figures of sick (and deceased) by Covid-19, other days you get anxious thinking that the disease it can come to your life or that of your loved ones, other days you would like abrazar The people you miss, other days you feel like you get nowhere and that you cannot work (or telework) effectively nor do you feel that you can quickly fulfill what your bosses ask of you in a context so difficult and unknown to everyone. Other days you realize that you cannot take care of your family (be it a partner, children, parents, siblings or grandparents) as the situation requires, nor do you know what to say to friends who have lost their jobs or to those who are overwhelmed because they work as health … (You can mentally put here other things that worry you or that you are living).
Day home confinement, in short, it becomes eternal (for long and intense) and there comes a point where you miss the Stress above, the stress of “normality.” Because what you suffer now is another type of stress, that which is linked to uncertainty and that it does not allow to project anything in the immediate future.
How to find some inner calm in this context? Most of the relevant people in the field of psychology interviewed at ABC Bienestar agree in recommending the meditation. That is why every Sunday we have an online session of Guided Meditation designed by Belén Colomina, psychologist and expert in mindfulness, in which the focus is on specific needs: improving the Self esteem, learn to listen your partner, control the emotional hungerThe simplemente improve the day. According to the expert, meditation is a valuable tool to train the mind that will allow you to cultivate in your life those desired states of mind. tranquility, calm, love y compassion that will improve not only the relationship with you and with others.
To help you find your refuge of calm in the midst of this uncertainty, we propose this selection of sevenguided meditation sessions so you can choose the one you need based on your mood.
If you have a hard time sleeping
«The stress accumulated during the day can make you reach the end of it flooded with concerns, pending tasks, afflictive emotions and even with an activation that does not allow you to repair yourself in the deserved rest of the night. This guided meditation session allows you to fall asleep better ”, proposes Belén Colomina.
If you get overwhelmed because of work
“Work can bring different waves of stress, from tension. It can be a generator of challenges and difficulties in which we can even forget ourselves. In these circumstances we can find ourselves in the position of increasing tension with internal demands, even with criticism of our work, “explains Belén Colomina, who in this guided meditation session gives the keys so that you learn to give yourself the value you deserve and thus also bosses and colleagues value you.
If you feel that you demand too much of yourself
“We all like to be treated with kindness and empathetic care. That they understand us and support us. However, we do not apply this same rule to ourselves. Many times, we are the first to talk badly about a complicated situation, frustration or difficulty. We find ourselves being hard on ourselves, critical or too demanding and we stretch the thread that hurts us so much, “says Belén Colomina, who in this session invites us to treat each other with kindness and protect our self-esteem.
If you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel
“Every moment, thousands of positive things happen for which we could be grateful. From the time we get up until we go to bed, our actions are supported by true miracles of life. We just have to learn to observe positively and train our gratitude ”, explains Belén Colomina, who in this session invites us to train gratitude and awareness of the good that life offers us.
If your block prevents you from thinking clearly
“Sometimes we don’t really know why, we feel trapped in a situation that we don’t like, feeling carried away by the repetition of certain patterns of behavior. This can make us feel blocked without knowing what to do or how to get out of a certain situation ”, argues Belén Colomina, who in this session gives the keys to unblocking herself when a person feels overwhelmed and paralyzed.
If you fear that your relationship will suffer
«Many times, those we love the most are those we listen to the least. This is because the more we get to know someone the more we believe that we know what you want to tell us, what are you going to answer us or how you are going to think. We set in motion our predetermined clichés and we began to work with the automatic pilot. », Clarifies Belén Colomina, who in this session proposes to observe, listen and understand the silences and the words of the people we love.
If you feel guilty for not caring for your family
“The family is the system in which we grow up, in which we connect and socialize. However, with the passage of time and the different life stages, we can neglect the ties that bind us. Those ties that bring us greater love and satisfaction with life, ”explains Belén Colomina, who in this session encourages us to strengthen family ties and create connection between all.
Benefits of Meditation
- It allows training the ability to attend to the present, with a friendly and nonjudgmental attitude.
- Through their daily practice the ability to focus and concentrate is developed and trained.
- The ability to regulate your emotions is developed, promoting and favoring states of calm.
- You experience a reduction in stress and anxiety.
- Improve your self-control, your emotional regulation and the ability to reflect, reducing your impulses.
- It allows you to be more aware of yourself: of your body, emotions, thoughts and behavior.
- Increases active listening and attention to the present and favors empathy training.
We invite you to save this selection of meditations in your “favorites” and to use it whenever you need it.