Guided meditation How to work on mobility and maintain an active physical life
The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, invites you to work on mobility and physical activity in this guided meditation session

Carry one active life has many benefits. However, many times we do not pay enough attention to it and we fall into sedentary habits. Intensive days and endless hours on the computer are examples of how we can spend much more time sitting than activating and mobilizing the body and how, almost without realizing it, we chain routines that can affect our physical health.
And, as it is always a good time to start, in today’s meditation we invite you to do so. We will practice a meditation in which we will attend to our body, activating small parts of it and mobilizing it to start your day well.
A meditation so that, wherever you are, you can take a few minutes to take care of yourself, between tasks, when you get up in the morning, from the beach, from home, stop for a few minutes, take care of and activate your body.