Guided Meditation How to Unblock and Remove Burden in Six Minutes

Sometimes we don’t really know why, we feel caught up in a situation that we do not like, feeling carried away by the repetition of certain patterns of behavior. This can make us feel blocked without knowing what to do or how to get out of a certain situation.
On a daily basis, and almost without realizing it, we let ourselves be carried away by certain situations, we get entangled in thousands of daily activities, future or past thoughts, worries and everything together, it makes us spend a lot of time operating on automatic pilot. A functioning that causes us to not be able to choose and we remain stuck in the blocking.
In the meditation Today, I share three simple steps so you can unlock yourself. To take care of you, listen to you and generate new alternatives.
It will be interesting that, after listening to it, you can continue in the reflections that I propose and investigate the three steps to continue feeling like the owner of the helm of your life. Returning to the desired direction as a result of redirecting, at every moment, the focus of your attention.
Happy meditation, happy choices conscious.