Guided meditation How to tidy up your house to tidy up your mind
The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, shows in this guided meditation session how to take care of the small details of the house that can increase our well-being

Do you know that the order and the cleaning of your house is related to your mental health and inner balance? Having a clean home, in order and with small details that offer light and life can make you feel better. Now that we spend so much time at home, it is a good time to pay attention to those little details that can make your day change. We can look around us and value all those things that usually go unnoticed by the rush of day to day. That little plant that we are not watering, those abandoned papers that no longer make sense for them to be there, that neglect in the room, in things.
We can put our environment in order as a way to take care of ourselves, to promote our calm and mental well-being. And that is why, in the guided meditation session of this week, I invite you to create a pleasant home environment, that connects with you, that helps you feel that here and now, you have come home.