Guided meditation How to think positive despite our surroundings
The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in “mindfulness”, provides in these three sessions of guided meditation the keys to gain clarity, remember our dreams and visualize the future in a constructive way.

La concern it is inherent to the human being, since it is a concern in the face of a difficult situation that we want to resolve. However, giving it prominence makes it grow and become a labyrinth full of obsessions that are far from the initial intention: to solve the situation. Giving more time and space than necessary can even cause anxiety.
Faced with this situation, we invite you to learn to let go of certain thoughts and concerns to lighten your internal labyrinth and create more space within you. In this way, we will increase our lucidity with respect to the solution sought. Practice it in this guided meditation.
Never forget your essence
Connect with your dreams y aspirations it is more important than it seems. On day
Every day we often focus our attention on negative aspects, worry loops, unresolved issues or a simple “automatic” that leads us to wander. This can bring a feeling of internal emptiness, or it can even create discomfort, which we attribute to external causes.
The power of our thoughts, intentions and emotions are important in our path since they direct our actions and the meaning that we give them. Thus, we are comforted to feel that we are taking a direction aligned with our values, with our ethics or our sense of life. Practice in this guided meditation session how to feel the constructive potential in yourself.
Visualize with love
Be constructive y positives it is important both for our present and for our future. Our thoughts and emotions have a lot of weight in our way of living, of relating to ourselves and in our degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with life.
Companies that emotions They largely direct our course, setting the direction and mood with which we walk. Taking care of them allows us to take a conscious course, to be constructive with our actions and positive in our thoughts. Practice in this guided meditation the technique to visualize your future constructively.
Gaining clarity to free yourself from worries and focus on your dreams and aspirations will help you to visualize both the present and the future in a constructive way.