Guided Meditation How to take a calm breath when you can’t take it anymore

Guided meditation How to take a calm breath when you can’t take it anymore

The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in “mindfulness”, proposes in this guided meditation session to live in the present, in the here and now, taking a break to connect with us


When was the last time you had a moment of respite? That instant no hurries in which to savor a tea, feel its aroma. Immerse yourself in a reading, without haste, in its history, in the sensations and dreams that it transmits to you. The talks without a watch with those people you love so much.

More and more studies confirm that taking a break is essential to rest our mind and body, to take care of our well-being. In this way, if we want to feel healthier, more relaxed and connected to ourselves and others, it will be important to take into account these simple indications: Break the routine, break with automatic functioning and meditate or walk consciously in nature.

This is why, in the meditation this week, we invite you to live in the present, in the here and now. Connecting in a friendly and non-judgmental way to take a breath and enjoy yourself.

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