Guided meditation How to lovingly remember loved ones who are no longer with us
The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, invites in this guided meditation session to feel in evoking the best moments with the people we love the most.

As the Disney-Pixar film “Coco” shows us, the Day of the Dead can be full of community, affective and cultural values where to care the value of memory of loved ones who have already died. The rituals and the offerings are important to remember them but everything takes on a greater sense if we wrap it in the best of the offerings: the love.
Remembering our loved ones with love gives a special warmth to our hearts. It allows us to continue feeling them close, to feel that their existence had a meaning and that they deposited here seeds that continue to germinate in us.
We learned many things from them, we are even here and now, from them. By many ancestors who made the continuation of life possible.
Honoring life is taking care of love.
Honor the Dear people, alive and dead, is to love them.
Happy day of the dead, happy day in which love becomes greater and eternal.