Guided meditation How to love yourself more in eight minutes and stop talking to yourself as your worst enemy
Belén Colomina, an expert mindfulness psychologist, suggests listening to this guided meditation session to treat us with kindness and protect our self-esteem

We all like to be treated with kindness y empathic care. That they understand us and support us. However, we do not apply this same rule to ourselves. Many times, we are the first to face a complicated situation, frustration or difficulty, we spoke badly. We discover ourselves being hard on ourselves, critical or too demanding and we stretch the thread that hurts us so much.
These attitudes generate us greater suffering since, far from helping us, they increase our discomfort and promote afflictions such as fear anguish sadness. They make us feel isolated, clumsy, or smaller. We detract from ourselves and become our own worst enemy.
However, dealing with kindness, sweetie y compassion it is a source of inner well-being. Strengthens interconnectedness, integrity and love towards oneself and others.
So today, in meditation, I invite you to generate a cultural, important to you. I invite you to be your best friend, your best companion on the road. I invite you to love yourself and treat yourself well in times of difficulty.
A good investment, right?
Happy meditation!