Guided Meditation How to Learn to Value Your Friends More in Six Minutes

Guided Meditation How to Learn to Value Your Friends More in Six Minutes

Belén Colomina, an expert mindfulness psychologist, proposes this session of guided meditation to preserve and protect the bonds of friendship

Guided Meditation How to Learn to Value Your Friends More in Six MinutesPM6:50

Each filtering bag Friends They are that extended family with which we choose share our life. They are the people we store with regards filled shared moments. Those people with whom you feel that you can trust truths, that you can call at any time, that they will understand you, support you. That they appreciate you and offer you the best laughs, heartfelt hugs and knowing looks.

However, in a fast-paced day-to-day, packed with new technologies, tasks, and unfinished business, many times we neglect the bonds of friendship that unite us. We stop valuing them even knowing how much we appreciate them, how much nutrition seeing each other leaves us to share those difficult and complex truths that only they know how to address with you. With the confidence of being appreciated despite the circumstances, the differences and even the distance.

For all this that they bring us, we must bear in mind the value of their care. Caring for relationships is essential for them to grow, it is essential to create a safe place of trust. And this is not sweetening them but knowing how to appreciate them. Our channels, the time dedicated to them, how we resolve misunderstandings will be crucial issues to know if we continue to build bridges.

Stopping to reflect offers us the opportunity to take it into account, to redirect ourselves, to be able to offer the tiempo and the dedication that we really want the people we love the most. So today, in meditation, you will discover how to do it, how to appreciate and value the bonds of friendship.

Because it’s better now, that we still have time to share. Let’s do what we want so much.

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