Guided meditation How to learn to listen and understand your partner in seven minutes
Belén Colomina, an expert psychologist in mindfulness, proposes in this guided meditation session to put aside prejudices and learn to observe, listen and understand the silences and the words of the people we love
Many times, the ones we love the most are the ones we listen to the least. This is because the more we get to know someone the more we think we know what they want to tell us, what they are going to respond to us or how they are going to think. We kick-start all of our default cliches and start working with the autopilot. A pilot who directs our interactions reactively, without the atención that requires the present moment but with a speed that can make you believe even what has not even happened.
This form of communication can wear down the relationship as a couple, filling her with prejudices, poor communication quality, and can even make you feel little cared for, little understood and with the feeling that your partner does not pay you the attention you need.
Therefore, learn to listen your silences, entender your emotions and learning to observe without judgment, is to take care of your relationship, take care of you. The quality of communication and present attention will be what allows you to increase your satisfaction as a couple, which will allow you to live and enjoy shared experiences.
Because to continue growing as a couple, it is necessary to continue learning to understand and listen to each other at every moment.
I invite you to train him in the meditation Today.
Happy road.