Guided meditation How to learn to free ourselves from fear in seven minutes
The psychologist and mindfulness expert, Belén Colomina, provides in this guided meditation session the keys to connect calm and listen to our fear to face it

Who has not felt fear ever? Fear is a healthy emotion and very present in our day to day life since it helps us to be alert and attentive to peligro, it helps us to take a response according to the situation experienced as threatening so as not to get hurt from it. It is an emotion that protects us, cares for us. However, it can also become our worst enemy, a nightmare. This happens when we give it too much space and Protagonism inside us and can even become paralyzed, make us feel small or disconnected from our ability to respond effectively to the situation.
Connect with calm That our internal and external resources offer us, listening and attending to fear to face it, to offer it an answer and not an escape or avoidance, can help you learn from its message, it can help you move forward.
Therefore, in the meditation Today we want to learn to listen to him, to attend to him, but without giving him the control and direction of our days, but learning from his message to free ourselves more and more from his ties.