Guided meditation How to keep your dreams and aspirations alive with meditation
The psychologist and mindfulness expert, Belén Colomina, proposes in this guided meditation session to dive into our mind to connect with our aspirations and dreams

Connect with your dreams y aspirations is much more important to you welfare what it seems like. On a day-to-day basis, we do not usually realize where we deposit our atención and, generally, it is usually in negative aspects, worry loops, unresolved issues or in a simple “automatic” that leads us to divagar. This can bring us a feeling of internal void, or even create discomfort, which we can attribute to other external causes.
The power of our thinking, intentions y emotions They are very important in our journey since they direct our actions and the meaning that we give them. Thus, it is comforting to feel that we take a aligned direction with us nutritional, With our ethics or our sense of life.
And therefore, in today’s meditation, I invite you to connect in this inner direction. I invite you to do it grow inside of you to feel your constructive potential. Feeling that, here and now, you can connect with your dreams to walk, little by little, towards them.
Happy road.
Other meditations that can help you these days:
– How to train the balance of the mind with relaxation.
– How to achieve stability and calm when you feel that everything is wobbling.
– How to treat you with kindness and love you in the most difficult situations.