Guided meditation How to improve your relationship in nine minutes
Belén Colomina, an expert psychologist in mindfulness, proposes to listen to this guided meditation session that will help improve romantic relationships

Companies that parejasLike any human relationship, it needs care. From respect, affected y acceptance. Acceptance to support you and continue to grow both individually, in your dreams and goals, and as a couple, in the shared life project.
There are difficulties and with everything and with that, you bet on keep growing together, fixing mistakes and learning. And this is what we will train today in the meditation. A meditation to water and nurture the courage to walk together, with love.
For this meditation, you can adopt your usual meditation posture, sitting or sitting on a chair, on the meditation cushion, or lying down or lying down. And, if you want, you can practice it with your partner. Together, with your eyes closed face to face and with enough openness to feel the power of betting on the take care of your relationship.
In this case, I invite you that when the meditation is finished, you can look into your eyes, feel and thank you to value what you do to build, every day, the relationship and the path that together you undertake from freedom, respect and the sincere smile of true love.
Happy meditation, happy walk together!