Guided Meditation How to improve family ties in eight minutes

La family it is the system in which we grow up, in which we bond and socialize. However, with the passing of tiempo and of the different life stages, we can neglect the ties that unite us. Those links that bring us greater love and satisfaction with life.
Each of the different stages involves circumstances that define them, with their lights and shadows and, together with them, we accumulate pre-established criteria, pictures o roles that, sometimes, prevent us from continuing to build and take care of relationships, either because we assume that it is not necessary or because we have moved away from them almost without realizing it.
However, caring for your links has many benefits. It allows us to build some solid foundation, gives us greater self-esteem, security and confidence in the ties that unite us. Because the reciprocity It starts with yourself, in today’s meditation, I invite you to train it.
Let’s build now, the moments that we would like to remember tomorrow.
Happy family connection