Guided Meditation How to Get the Best Out of You When You Feel Lost
The three guided meditation sessions created by the psychologist and mindfulness expert, Belén Colomina, invite us to connect with the interior and discover our potential in the face of adversity

How many times have you felt fear, bewilderment, uncertainty or even vertigo in these strange days that we are having to live due to the consequences of the pandemic? Perhaps you have had to postpone plans, projects, meetings and trips. But what you should never put off is your ability to connect from within with your dreams and aspirations, as proposed by the psychologist Belén Colomina. «The power of our thoughts, intentions and emotions are very important in our journey since they direct our actions and the meaning that we give them. Thus, we are comforted to feel that we are taking a direction aligned with our values, with our ethics or our sense of life.
That’s why in the Guided Meditation who shares
under these lines the expert invites you to connect in this internal direction and make it grow to feel your constructive potential. The idea is to connect with your dreams to walk, little by little, towards them.
Guided Meditation: How to Maintain Your Dreams and Aspirations
But also in difficult situations is when we should practice the most the “Self-care”. How do you talk to yourself? How do you judge and value yourself? Threats like the one we are experiencing can make us feel more vulnerable, more insecure and, at the same time, more demanding of ourselves. However, accept our emotional reaction In the face of what happens, it will be essential, as Belén Colomina affirms, to be able to go through this stage from the kindness with oneself. “It is not selfishness, it is feeling the inner warmth of love that we all need,” he explains.
In the meditation that he proposes to you under these lines, he invites train kindness towards oneself and to welcome you in difficulty just as a good friend would.
Guided Meditation: How To Train Kindness To Yourself
Ultimately, we all want to be happy and feel loved. We want to feel accepted as we are, but sometimes we do not accept ourselves and we become our own worst enemy. But you can change this, you can start betting on taking care of yourself, on cultivating your strengths from within and making them grow every day. To connect to your potentialities, take care of them and water them so that they continue to grow along the way.
Thus, in this other guided meditation Belén Colomina invites you to strengthen your qualities and strengths to feel how they grow from within. It invites you to train and reinforce your esteem.
«Don’t forget to cultivate these values every day, take a few minutes to meditate, take care of yourself and transform yourself from within. With time and perseverance, you will begin to feel its benefits », advises Belén Colomina.