Guided meditation How to enjoy a mindful walk to feel spring

Guided meditation How to enjoy a mindful walk to feel spring

The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, invites in this guided meditation session to connect with nature while walking

Guided meditation How to enjoy a mindful walk to feel springPM7:07

When the spring, landscapes begin a transformation, a change in which landscapes colors light flowering, even the odor from the flowers, the fruits to the trees, everything looks different. The magic of a new season opens before us.

And to welcome it and be able to enjoy it consciously, I invite you to this walking meditation. You can start it in your daily walk, on a walk in the park, in the mountains or on the beach. Anywhere that connects you to nature.

I invite you to discover the nuances that today can bring you, the nuances that here and now can fill you and make you feel connected to nature, because celebrating the arrival of a new season is also celebrating our little transformation with it.

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